How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Just received All Access one year subscription for $99 total including royalty fee and taxes. They indicated this was a discount to the $120 (plus royalty & taxes). I just stated upfront that is what I was willing to pay total. Otherwise I would cancel.
just called to renew. $99 for a year. HELL NO. $50 for 6 months. HELL NO. I asked if they have around $30 for 6 months. she look and said $28.30 (tax included) for 5 months. i said can you do 6 months, she said that would be $50. sigh! guess no more 6 months @ under $30
this is awesome! I got 25$ for 6 months for both of my cars! They had charged my account yesterday for the automatic renewal and they ended up giving me a credit back on my card for over 100$! Thanks!
I just renewed all access for 49.99 plus taxes ($57 total) for 6 months. For those not familiar with all access it includes access through your car radio as well as any mobile device or online. I have been calling every 6 months to get this rate because they only offer 1 year all access for $119 plus tax which makes it like $136 and that's more than if I just call and renew every 6 months. The first rep I got was a guy who told me there were no promotions available on my account, that the promo I got before was one time only (even though I have gotten it several times). I asked to speak with someone else who could help me, he put me on hold for several minutes which was just dead air so I hung up and called back. I got a female who was much more friendly. Asked for promo offer she said she had to put me on hold to review my account and see what was available. This time while on hold there was actual hold music. She came back on the line and first asked me if there were not any promos available what would I do, and I said I would cancel the services because I can use Pandora for free. She then offered me the 1 year all access at $119 plus tax, I asked for $99 she declined and said she could do the 6 months at 49.99 plus tax so I took that and will call again in 6 months.
Thanks for all the info here! After several calls I was able to get the select plan on 2 cars for 225 total for a year. It took calling 4 times but finally got the price down. I'm sure I'll play the game next year too:)
I just called and said I knew people that had subscription costs per year that were cheaper than what they were advertising on their website and I was wondering if they had promotional deals that weren't made public... I'm a first time customer and was offered six months of Select for 25 dollars or six months of all access for 50. Took a few minutes and wasn't a hassle at all.
Worked great!! Didn't even have to say I was canceling. Just told them I don't listen to it enough to justify $204.88 and they gave me the same rate I had last year.
Worked great got the same price as last year 89.00. Renewal notice wanted 204.88.
Worked perfectly. Got a full year of all-access for 119 plus taxes. No hassles whatsoever.
My renewal was $172.33. I called and they said they're no longer doing the $89 and it's now the $99 with an option for $44 for 6 months. I opted for 1 year and I'm expecting it to be $99 $19 for the U.S. music royalty fee. I'm bad at bargaining or I'm sure I could've gotten the same rate as last year of $89.
I tried this today as well. I did this last year and worked great. This year they offered one year for 169 plus all fees. Told them to go ahead and cancel and they did. Guess they didn't want to retain this customer.
It took me 30 minutes and speaking to 4 different people and threatening to cancel my service. Be persistent is all I can say!
...just called...went from $200 yr to 43.62 incl taxes for 6 mths...then renews in April for $95.32yr incl taxes...Thanks!!
Worked like a charm. I have two vehicles one is currently on a trial. They had me down for select at 99 a month and the other just music at 133 a month. I made a phone call put forward a sob story 45 mins later I got the deal 25$ for 6 months both select plans good stuff. Remember the person you get as soon as you call can't help you they will give you the run around. It's only after you are persistent with fronting cancellation or the price being too much for what ever reason you tell them that they will transfer you. This department gets you the deal by trying to keep your service. Play the game even here I kept up the sob story got offered 99 a year or 45 for 6 months on the select plan. I faked having to ask the wide came back and mentioned the promotion 89 a year or 25 for 6 months. I was told the 89 for the year was no longer available but 25 for 6 months was not to long after she said she had to speak with her manager then I got the deal from 260 for two vehicles for the year to 50 for 6 months huge savings just put the time in and play the game.