How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

Just got 6 months for $24.99 ($32.15 with fees) after my trial period is up. Took exactly 6 minutes and no haggling required. Simple.
just called in got 89.99 took about about 30 mins of talking to different people if you just hang on long enough tell them you don't want to pay more they will give it to you.
September 14, called today and had no problem renewing my subscription for $99 plus tax. Just had to ask for special rate.
Took me 40 minutes but I got the deal for $89 for one year! She actually said that this was an old promo that wasn't supposed to be offered anymore and the they are now offering one year at $99.
Called the number listed on XM website. Rep said he knew that $200 per radio was too much, said they had one offer for $99/year. I asked about a deal I had before that was a 6 month deal. He then quoted a $50 for 6months. I said I would talk to my wife to see what she wanted to do since my service still has 1 week. Then a deal for 6 months at $25 dollars was offered. Rep was nice enough, I was patient and didn't make demands, other than checking with the wife. Seems like a bit of a circus game to play, but it could be worse. Thanks for people positing to this site so we know what we should be paying.
Got my bill today for $94 for 6 months. Called the # above and said I'd like 6 months for $25 ($32 something after fees and taxes) and the rep said that would work. Said I like to pay by check (not about to give them my cc #)....they said they would send another invoice. Took maybe 5 min. total. Very nice rep.
Called twice and was told both times that we had gotten a discount two years ago so no further discounts would be given. Our credit card was charged 200.00 dollars for one year, the service will be up in March so I had them remove the card from their file and I will wait until the service has ended and haggle then. It's a shame, it's great to have on cross country trips, but the games are unreal.
Got my renewal bill for $180.Called above number, stated renewal number was too high and would like a renewal rate of $99. Rep said he would have to check and asked what I would do if he couldn't get the rate...I said I would cancel..he came back in about 30 seconds with an OK for the $99 rate.
Just got 6 months for 34.10 (including all fees and taxes).
Rep was very cool, no haggle.
$120 for 12 months of All Access. Took about 10 minutes to run through their machine and talk to the CSR. No haggling, very polite from both sides. Merely told him that I was unhappy with the cost and that I wasn't receiving internet radio with my current plan and he immediately offered the deal.

Definitely renew next year if I can get this price again.
Worked over an instant chat messaging system they offer and got $89 for one year. I was disconnected due to poor internet connection twice, the first two were offering me $99/year, told the third rep that I had been disconnected and they were working an $89/year price for me, he accepted it! Took less than 5 minutes the third time... $112 a year with taxes included.
I just bought my car 3 mo's ago and it came equip with this, but now I have to order and I called this morning and was told that it would be $216.00 I told the CSR that I could not afford this and he put me on hold came back on and said that he was trying to see talk to a Superv. had to hang up to get to work the CSR told me to try him back at lunch - HELP everyone.
Just had CSR May offer me one year for $112.49 including all fees. Very quick, pleasant transaction. Thank you for the info!!!
First time I called, I did not want to play 'cancel' card, and asked for a discount. The rep told me that there is no promotions for this time. I called 2 days later, and said that I wanted to cancel. They immediately offered $99/year, and I asked for all access $120/year option. It was very easy and the rep was very helpful. No more paying full price thanks to this blog
Called 866-245-7234 because my 6 month subscription was due to expire next week. Cost was $24.99 plus $6.75 tax etc for a $31.74 total. The first person told me I could renew at the $14.99 per month rate plus tax. Told her I was not interested in that and would cancel. She switched me over to the 'Cancel' dept. and the person there first offered me an annual rate of $99 plus tax. Told him I was interested at renewing at a lower rate and he then said he would renew me for another 6 months at the same rate. He sounded like he was in a hurry. Must have a quota to meet. Total time on the phone was about 5 minutes. Made note in calendar to call back in 5 months and 3 weeks to renew again at the same rate.
Just called the number and my rate went from the $217 they had invoiced me for to $99 /year (with taxes and fees it came to $135) after I told them I liked the service but didn't feel it was worth the $217 they had increased my rate to..
Why do they make us all do this? Same here, 5 months for $24.99 fees taxes.

Obviously the $5/month range is what their customer base finds acceptable, or $99/year. If they would just let us renew at, and keep this price, we wouldn't have to constantly make these silly cancellation calls. If anyone couldn't do the $5 and wanted to cancel, then just cancel them. They could probably save money reducing the amount of personnel they have to hire taking all of these calls all day long and playing this game.
First got Sirus 6 month all access sub for 2 cars at $102.00 for each at 1-888-601-6302. 1 day before term was up (today) called 1-888-601-6302 and renewed for 1 year for both units. Each unit came to $136.00. All access. 11 minutes and done! Thank you Spoofee!
Hi Everyone, First THANK YOU FOR THIS WEB SIGHT!! Just renewed XM after my trial period. First I want to say they kept calling and calling for 2 weeks all times of the day which I thought was annoying. Anyway, I called 1-866-281-7344 and talked to someone in the Philippines. They first tried to sell me the Select plan and gave me a high quote, I said I was offered this at $89.00 ( taxes=$101.37) and after a few minutes he said he could give me this price. Then I said I wanted the internet in which this package does not come with internet. He quoted me a price of $280 for ALL access. I said no, I saw an offer for $119.88. He said there is no such offer and I said okay then, I will not renew and just let it be cancelled. He said one moment and after being put on hold twice, he came back and gave me 1 year ALL access for $119.88( tax= $136.54). He then wanted to bill my credit card and I said no, send me an invoice. Then he was going to charge me $2 and I said no, I want it waived. I was put on hold again and got it waived. Now they can not automatically charge my credit card when my subscription is up! I hope this helps someone else to save a lot of money.
Received an email that my service was going up to $ 273 per for the all access package. I called this number, I was nice, and said I enjoy and use the service, but the $119 price was what I had budgeted for and I would miss XM, but use Pandora if necessary. They gave me the same price as last year no questions asked. Thanks for this site which I use every year.