Came upon this website following receipt of a new SiriusXM 6 month Select billing for $104.44. I called SiriusXM at their 1-866-3925 number to renegotiate the rate. I was renewing an earlier 6 month rate of $34.10. Recent posts on this site had claimed success with a $25/6 month rate - which I asked for. After some conversation, and being put on hold for several minutes, they offered me $39.48 for 6 months. As I recall the base offer was $29 and change - so this amount included some prorated days plus various service charges. I see that someone just 38 minutes ago succeeded in getting the $25/6 month deal. Obviously a better negotiator than me!
As this was my second 'special offer' the gal indicated it would be the last they could offer me and that in the future I would be paying full price.
It was not possible to pay by check so I paid by credit card. In so doing, I had them use my number for only this transaction, declining their offer and tendency of placing accounts on a 'recurring Credit Card billing' status. In 6 months time (several days prior to this offer expiring) I plan on calling them again and renegotiating.