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  • Hi Miss Rhonnie! :hugs: Sorry to hear about your sprained ankle, I hope it gets better fast! :yesnod: :flowers: Happy Birthday to your mom! :party: I just watched the opening ceremonies to the Cubs game and my boss's grandson got to throw the 1st pitch. That was cool to see as he and his family are avid Cubs fans. I'm sure we'll hear all about it from him when we see him after school. How are the NCAA games going? I guess there was some snow about 30 minutes from here but I never saw it. Any plans for the weekend? :noidea: :rapture:
    Hey Rhon, that's excellent that your foot is better. Is your ankle 100% healed? It's been so cold here, too, and I'm still running the heat and wearing a winter coat. No, I'm not into basketball on TV, but I'd go see a game in person. How often do you walk for your routine? I used to walk all the time for exercise until I hurt my foot :mad: and had pain that wouldn't go away. Take care and have a nice weekend!
    Wow, has it already been a year? Time is flying way too fast! :yesnod: Congratulations! :party: No vacation for me anytime soon that I am aware of. The girls are on Spring Break right now, but I still have to work. What kind of celebrating are you doing besides getting your carpet cleaned? :wink: Have you been able to go out to any clubs are see any cool movies lately? :noidea::hugs:
    I don't know if I have a green thumb, but I have tons of different gardens. Everywhere on all sides of the house and along every edge. :faint2: I end up being a slave to the yard in the summer but I don't mind :nonod:
    Good morning, Rhon :hugs: We're doing ok, thanks :) How have you been? Miss talking with you :yesnod: Yes, I made cookies about a week and a half ago, no-bake chocolate oatmeal with peanut butter. Ever have them? They're really good! :) I can't believe March is almost gone :nonod: Time is flying too fast! :sad: :hugs::flowers:
    :faint2: I can't believe they already turned off the heat :yikes:

    :nonod: it's a good thing you don't have a :trytofly: a bird :sad:

    We've had temps in teens the last few mornings, but next weekend :smiley: I hope it will be warmer :flowers:

    I look forward to working in the yard :yesnod:
    :wave: Hi Rhon :teeth:

    Are you staying warm:questionmark:

    One more week and we should have :flowers:

    I can't believe your apartment complex already shut off the heat :argh:, because you're still going to have cold nights in March. I used to live in a condo complex where they controlled turning the heat on & off, and I remember times when I had no heat and it was in the 60's in my unit. I'm so sorry you hurt your ankle. Do you know how long it will take to heal? :wavey:
    Hi Rhon. How are you? The snow is all melted here, but it's still cold enough to need to run the heat. Did you do anything for St. Patrick's Day? My mom and I went to a restaurant that I haven't eaten at in like 8 years, and I ordered the corned beef & cabbage special, but it was horrible! The corned beef was rubbery and dry, and I just couldn't eat it :ack:. Last time I ordered corned beef for St. Patty's at a different restaurant, the meat was delicious and tender. Next year I'll try to go back to the place that had the yummy corned beef. Anyway, have a great week. :hugs:
    Have a Happy Green St Pats Day in Chicago. Just don't drink any of that river they turn green. It's not beer for fishes.
    :heeeelllllooooo::) Yea. I could listen too. I love the accents.:yesnod: Has any of the snow melted yet? Chicago doesn't have any snow. Just lots of :rainme: and 40degree weather. don't forget to turn your clock ahead. Daylight savings time starts Sunday!!!:yesnod::peace:
    Yeah, you should look into the history of your last name when you have time. If you ever go to Ireland, then maybe try to go to Scotland, too. I've never been to either country, but I know they are both beautiful places to visit. Love those accents!...I could listen to Irish and Scottish accents all day. :teeth::yesnod:
    How was your weekend, Rhon? I haven't eaten corned beef and cabbage since St. Patty's day a couple of years ago when I had it at a restaurant...it was so good! I wouldn't know the first thing about cooking corned beef at home. Have you ever been to Ireland? I love Irish people and Irish accents...I grew up around lots of Irish Catholic kids. Have you seen the movie "The Road" (out on DVD now)? Or how about "Let Me In"? "Let Me In" is the American version of the foreign film "Let the Right One In." I actually like the foreign film better. It's a vampire movie, but not your typical movie about vampires. Take care...
    :flowers::wavey:Hi hon! I've missed you, too! :yesnod: How have you been? :noidea:Hope you've had an awesome February, despite all the snow! :hugs:
    :unsure: I'm pretty sure our weather is the same, but you may get more lake affects :loco:

    :listen: Teenagers are a :tape:

    Well lets see, if your jacket cost $40 and is reversible,,,,,,,,,:thinking: it's like $20 a side :rofl:
    I have 3 Kohl's within 7 miles of me :blushing:

    We keep getting :smow: then if we are lucky we have a sunny day and the :smow: on the driveway or road melts. :teeth:
    We still have piles of snow:smash: that never go away, but they are from piling it when shoveling :mad:

    I think we are going to have temps in the 40's tomorrow :woot:

    How's work going with this weather:questionmark: Does it get you behind :reddy:
    Rhon, my mom and I never got to go to Ruby Tuesdays because the weather was so awful Friday night :mmph:. Ruby's burgers are yummy, and I like their steak & lobster tails. I like to cook, but I'd rather have someone else do the cooking. What's your favorite meal to cook? I love making salmon or a stir-fry with veggies and shrimp. I love Chinese food!!! :hungry:
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