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  • Hi Rhon! It was hot here, then cool, then hot, then cool, then hot again. I think the heat & humidity are here to stay. I have another set of baby Robins that just hatched last week right outside my window, and they chirp constantly from about 5:30 AM to 8:00 PM. So the first set of Robins that I told you about had already left their nest, and right after that, more eggs were laid in the nest. Are you going to watch any fireworks displays in Chicago? I hope you have a fun 4th of July!!! :usa2::hugs:
    Hi hon :wavey: Sorry to hear about your ankle. :sad: Could you match the tee with a cute, flowing skirt and go barefoot? :) I have gotten some miles on my bike, but not as many as I use to. With the humidity as high as it's been, it makes it hard to breath when I ride. We haven't been skating in a while. :nonod: Been busy lately with softball and the girls go swimming and work and just life in general. Went hiking on some trails a week and a half ago. What have you been up to? I can't imagine that you have been able to get much dancing in. How's work? :noidea:
    Morning Rhon! :hugs: Girls and I are doing fine, thanks. That's cool you were able to go out on a daddy/daughter date night and even better that he enjoyed it :yesnod: How's your ankle doing? I pray it's better. :prey: What have you been up to? I've been busy, between softball games, work and raising my girls :).
    :hugs: Good Sunday afternoon, Miss Rhonnie!!!! I miss you! I miss our fun chats and playing the games together:yesnod: I hope everything is going well for you! :) :love: :flowers:
    :listen: I have been called a Cougar :wink: but I don't think of myself as one :faint2:

    We are just over 10 years apart though :lol:

    I hate when I have everything going on at once :loco: It is like a roller-coaster this month :faint:

    I need to get ready for work :vroam: I'm happy today is going to BEE busy :yesnod: I just wish I could spread it out throughout the week though :teeth:

    Have a great day :wave:
    Looks like we'll be having cooler weather now :cheer2: I would love to do stuff outside, but planting isn't an option for me when it's 95 out :faint2:

    Sounds like you've got nice things planned this summer :party:

    I have my anniversary with my BF monday, my sister-in-laws b-day dinner tuesday, my parents anniversary this month, father's day and my BF is going to be 40 in about 2 weeks! :yikes:

    Everything always happens at once :eek:
    I finally got to work in the yard yesterday - all day :woot:

    I trimmed all the bushes :teeth: the clean up sucks :sad:

    Are you enjoying the heat:questionmark:

    I have an orthodontist appt. today and I can't wait. :smiley:

    Did I tell you that I got braces on my lower teeth in January?
    :wave: No, I haven't played whirlyball :smiley:

    Sorry to hear that your ankle is still bothering you :sad:

    Should be having some great weather this weekend :woot:
    :) actually, my ankle still hurts. It's from falling a few months ago,not from dancing.:yesnod: I am still sore from playing whirlyball. Have you ever played it? Its fun.:lol:
    Today felt like it was in the 90's and humid :eek:

    Have you recovered from your Salsa dancing:dance: :questionmark:

    We are suppose to have rain again tomorrow :rainme: Are you also:questionmark:

    I've wanted to work in the yard and it's so hard to get stuff done when it's so wet. Today I tried to trim some of the bushes and kept getting an electrical zap so I had to stop before I got cooked :yikes:

    Have a great day :wave:
    it looks like a few people have visited the old thread recently. and i was able to hug a few people. only took...6-8 months :mmph::nonod: to be able to hug some people again!
    :woot: I hope you are having a fun weekend :teeth:

    My bf and neighbor just don't bump into eachother - so they don't have to confront eachother :confused:

    I'm off to work in the yard :wave:

    Have a great day!
    All of a sudden it's gotten really warm, like toasty today. I don't want it to feel like summer yet. I'm just going to take it easy on Memorial Day. Not sure if my parents are going to clean off the BBQ grill or what, but I'm in the mood for BBQ chicken and homemade potato salad. My grocery store sells some decent potato salad, so maybe I'll pick some up, but the way my mom makes it is much better. Anyway, enjoy your long weekend, Rhon! :rockon:
    Hi rhonnnnnnnnnnie! :faint2: No one is as young as they used to be :rofl:

    I don't even know what the temp is suppose to be this weekend :nonod: I would imagine similar to yours :idea:

    I got invited to a neighbors for a barbecue - :hungry: - :sad: but my BF and the neighbor no longer talk to each other. I don't know what I'm going to do.

    It would be so nice to hang out and :party: and walk home :woot:
    :dancing: I'm so happy you had a fun weekend :cheer2:

    Are your feet killing you:questionmark:

    :nonod: No plans for this weekend yet :sad: I do work on Saturday :faint2:

    What are you going to do:questionmark: recover :lol:
    Alright, Rhon, you're having too much of a good time. You're going to have to tone down the fun :tongue::wink:! I've heard the name whirlyball but I didn't know exactly what it was. So now I know that I have a Robin's nest in my window since I can see the mom & dad Robins flying into the nest area back and forth with food. It sounds like a small bird sanctuary in my bedrooms. I'm not sure when the babies hatched. We've had a lot of rain last week, and it finally cleared up. Have a great week!
    I wish I could see the nest and the birds from the inside of my house...how cool would that be? My AC is blocking the whole view, but at least I have the sound effects...lol. Did you meet anyone interesting on your singles retreat? I haven't been dancing in years. My friends and I used to go out dancing in our late teens. Yeah, I like watching Dancing with the Stars. Do you remember the season with Cloris Leachman?:dancing:...Oh man, she's a riot! The weather here has been great. :hello::teeth:
    Hi Rhon! So how was your walk? We're having nice weather this week. Yep, I always get my mom a Mother's Day card. We usually go out for brunch on her day, but she didn't want to go anywhere this year. Do your parents live far from you? I have some new friends at my bedroom window...a bird built a nest behind a block of wood that's supporting my window air conditioner, so every early morning I hear lots of rumbling and chirping...lol. When I looked at it from the outside of the house, I can see part of the nest, but nothing else, so it's well hidden. One year, a bird built a nest in my front bushes, and when I walked close to the bushes, the momma bird swooped down at my head from the tree...scared the heck out of me. So you have to be careful when approaching a nest. Hope you're enjoying this Spring weather!
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