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  • Hi Rhon! Hope everything is well with you. I hope the kids are good on the bus. I've been taking it really easy lately with having to rest my leg because it seems that I pulled my calf muscle plus the pain in my foot has been flaring up bad. I've had this awful pain for 1-1/2 weeks so far, and just when it seemed to get better (I tried to do normal activities too soon), the pain came right back. Enjoy your week and the weather before it turns cool in Chicago. We're still having very warm days here.
    :teeth: Was it fun with the Parents and kids together on the bus?

    :director: Take those classes :dancing: maybe you can video yourself on utube and I could watch :noidea:
    rhonnie are you still trying to hug ??? :hugs: back at you sweetie!
    I wonder how Pat is doing :sad:

    I feel terrible - :faint2:

    How was your weekend? We grilled steaks last night and that was about all we did.....:eek: plus we did clean the garage :laugh:
    Hey Rhon :wave:. I can't imagine how my late grandparents raised 14 kids. Of course, times were so much different back then. My mom only has six siblings left now (two of her brothers died young as soldiers in a war...not sure if the number was two or three brothers...I'd have to ask my mom again). I miss the family reunions we used to have when I was a kid and my grandparents were alive and the weddings for my cousins when I got to see my aunts and uncles and the rest of my cousins. It is very sad about the kids in the city getting killed...it's good Chicago is doing something to help keep kids out of trouble. I'm not sure if kids in my states' cities go to school earlier than in the suburbs. I hope you have a nice weekend. I think the weather is supposed to be nice, so I'll need to take advantage of it. :bebored::wavey:
    Are you still enjoying those dance lessons :questionmark:

    What do you think about this cooler mornings :teeth: Not so bad :faint2:

    Have a great day :hugs: I'm off and running shortly :vroam:

    :nonod: Not sure why, but days off seem busier than work days :lol:
    Rhon, my Dad's side of the family who had the reunion is the small side of the family, but now there are cousins who are married with children, so that adds to the number of people. On my mom's side, she had 13 siblings, so there are tons of cousins who I don't even know. Look at you...line dancing :dancing2:!!! Sounds like you're having too much fun again :tongue:. Congrats on your 16 years on the job. I think the schools start towards the end of August here. Why do the kids have to go back to school so early in Chicago? I've heard that kids in other cities go back early, too. Anywho, have a fun weekend!
    Good for you Rhon :dancing: I once took line dance lessons :teeth:
    I sucked :tape: I couldn't follow the crowd and always messed up :blushing:

    30 people would move to the right, guess who would go left :lol:
    :nonod: Nope, I have no plans as of yet for labor day. Do you?

    I always touch my nails up between having them polished :teeth: Seems like toes last so much longer than fingers :smiley:

    I'm glad you got some rest yesterday :zzz: i'm sure it was much needed :yesnod:

    Off to an appointment this morning :wave: have a great day :hugs:
    :blushing: I'm glad you had a real strapping Lad do your pedicure :laugh:

    I hope your toes are still looking pretty :teeth:

    I need to be do fingers :faint2: I hate when my polish chips :yikes:
    :yikes: You had a guy do your pedicure :lol:

    :listen: Was he macho:questionmark: :rofl:

    I hope eveything turned out good :teeth:

    I think $35 is about average for a pedicure around here, so I still think you got a great deal! :clap:
    Hi Rhon :hugs:....How is your summer so far? No surprise, it's been hot and humid here. My father's side of the family just had a family reunion on Saturday, with my Aunt and her sons & daughter (my cousins) and their kids flying in. I'm sad that I couldn't make it to the reunion, but my parents were there. Oh, scallops & shrimp :drool5:...I used to buy sea scallops to make at home, but the prices at the grocery store have gone up so much in the last few years. Then again, buying a scallop dinner at a restaurant isn't cheap by far. I do buy the raw frozen shrimp and use that to make a stir-fry. I love lobster, too, but I'm not brave enough to buy a live lobster and cook it at home. That's why some foods are better enjoyed when prepared in a restaurant or by a friend who knows how to cook better than I do. Enjoy your week! :teeth:
    :wave: Hi R :teeth:

    I just heard from Joyce - she would be happy to have you email her - do you still have her email address :questionmark: :noidea:

    It seems of lately hardly anyone is chatting right now :faint2:

    This week work is slow, but hopefully things will pick up next week! :eek:

    $7 for a pedicure is crazy cheap :woot: go for it! :cheer2:

    Did you do it:questionmark:

    Have a great weekend and take care :hugs:
    :yikes: Boy, you really start working early :zzz:

    Sounds like your picnic this weekend should be lots of fun! :teeth:

    Nothing really going with me, at least nothing I can talk about on spoofee :faint2:

    I'm so excited we are having :rainme: right now, the grass and plants certainly needed it! Our grass was looking like hay :rapture:

    I'll send Joyce a message through facebook :pcguru: Would you ever consider going over there:questionmark: A lot of us are there and here :noidea:

    Have a great day :wave:
    :sorry: still haven't caught up with my email's

    I don't understand why I'm about 300 behind :yikes:

    Did you know that you sometimes send things to my Juno email and not my yahoo? :lol:

    What's going on with you, are you doing alright?:blushing:

    Are you still working through the summer like you do the rest of the year:questionmark:

    :smash:no problem :wink:

    One of these days I'll get through all my emails and send you something great :woot:
    Rhon, I'm sorry about your friend's brother. I heard lots of fireworks late into the evening last Saturday night after I got home. I have no idea where the noise was coming from :confused:. Are all your grandparents alive? That's great that you have a grandmother to visit. All my grandparents passed away years ago, but they lived long lives. Are you working during the summer? I have yet to get to the shoreline...I love going on a boat ride for part of the day and eating fresh seafood. Oh, how is your foot? I'm still having pain in mine, and I'm sure when I make an appointment with the doctor, I'll have to have an MRI again and some other tests. I can walk normally, but I just have chronic pain so I can't do as much walking as before or my foot will be in too much pain. I hope you have a nice week! :peace:
    Hi Rhon, I didn't do much for the 4th of July, either. I've been to the city once for the festivities, and it was too crowded with trying to find a parking spot, so we didn't get to see much up close. I'm taking it easy tonight and going out on Saturday to do a bunch of errands plus have dinner out (need a break from the kitchen)...it's supposed to be 87 on Sat., so I'll try to keep cool. The humidity hasn't let up...that's what makes me feel icky. Are you doing anything this weekend? Take care! :ciao:
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