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  • :woot: you have a great weekend also and enjoy the weather :smiley:
    :woot: You better be enjoying yourself this week :teeth:

    I think your temps are the same as ours :sad:

    Let's hope for warm and sunny :cheer2:
    :wave: I don't know when they are taking the building down :sad: but we are all hoping to move to another shop together. :yesnod:

    The weather today is damp and cold :nonod: well - in the 50's.
    Yesterday was decent :woot: but I didn't motivate to do to much :faint2:

    How did you like those 70's :cheers:
    Hello Rhonnie!!! :hugs: I'm glad your Easter was great! :yesnod: Ours, too, was awesome, thanks! :) How have you been? How's your ankle? :hugs:
    :trytofly: Things are decent here :sorry: to hear that drinking makes you :loco:

    How exciting that you are going to have vacation time soon :woot:

    My work has been really slow :cry: I've been at the same place for 26 years and I'm now planning on making a move :scared:

    It's scaring the begebbers out of me :yikes: The shop where I am is going to be closing :rant: They are planning on taking the building down and rebuilding it :egg:

    I'm hoping that most of us will move together :prey:
    Hi Rhon. Awww...I'll bet you made a lot of people happy by helping out on Easter!:yesnod: I know, I feel for the elderly, especially the ones who are alone because they lost a spouse or don't have kids that visit them. How is your ankle? I don't have plans to go away this summer, but hopefully will do some fun summer-type stuff. How about you? I think that's great you're doing a walk. Have a great weekend. :teeth:
    :flowers: It's starting to look like spring :teeth:

    TOday is :rainme: and windy not feeling like spring :clown:

    How's work going :driver: :questionmark:

    Do you like to drink :cocktail::questionmark: :beer: :questionmark:
    :dance: Salsa :loco:

    How's that ankle :aetsch: :questionmark: Old high heel injury :drama: :rofl:
    :rofl: I like to eat salsa, but I haven't tried to :dancing: to it! Have fun, that sounds like a good time.

    :listen: A quote from Joyce :woot:
    "Tell Rhon that I said hello and I miss her. I'm going to try and log into Spoofee today. :) Thanks for the express delivery!"

    One year anniversary already :first:
    :rofl: That's funny you posted on your own page

    I'm ready for a change of wardrobe also :teeth:

    :clap: Congrats on losing some poundage :star: I could do that myself and it wouldn't hurt at all

    Madonna's doing alright :nonod: she could be better :sad:

    No plans for me over the summer, how about for you :listen:

    I'll stop over the otherside and send your regards to Joyce :vroam:

    :wave: stay warm :wink:
    :heeeelllllooooo:ITs very cold!!! I've been ready for spring. I can't wear any of my new summer clothing. My mom took me shopping to celebrate me losing some weight. I am still wearing winter clothing.:cry:I see Ms Madonna visited .:clap: I hope all is well with her and her grandson.:) When you talk with Joyce, tell her I said hey. Do you plan to take any trips this summer?:yesnod:
    Good Morning Rhon :teeth:

    Pretty cold out there this morning :smow:

    I'm ready for spring :flowers:

    How are things going with you:questionmark:
    I'm still wearing long-sleeved sweaters. Still running the heat at home except for one day when it got warm, but it's been cool outside. I did see Secretariat...really nice movie! That horse was amazing. My parents' car still needs to be repaired for the big dent the kid left in the door. The car is drivable for now and they have a second car...my parents are fine, thanks for asking. The small cities in CT have nothing on Chicago...you probably have tons of things going on in the city. Have a nice weekend and stay warm. :tee: :wavey:
    Hiya Rhon. Chicago sounds great...it looks like an interesting city to visit :). The only BIG cities I've been to are New York City, Boston, and Los Angeles. NYC is by far my favorite (been there many times), and it's fun at Christmas with the lights and the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Plaza! My dad loves UCONN basketball...he watches all the games. I'm from CT, so UCONN is my favorite. I hadn't seen the Newhart show in years, either, then I found some episodes online. I miss the classic shows from the 70's:cry:. Anyway, hope the sun shines your way :sun:. We've been having:rainme:.
    I hope your foot feels better soon. It stinks having foot pain :nonod:. When I first injured my foot, I was given crutches and a cane, but I never did use the cane because it didn't help me. Have you tried the cane yet? Do you like the UCONN Huskies? Did you ever watch the Bob Newhart Show? I've been watching some old episodes on HULU.com, and the opening sequence shows part of Chicago with some bridges including the Michigan Avenue Bridge. (I didn't know the location for this show was Chicago until I looked it up on Wikipedia...I watched this show as a kid and never payed attention to any of this stuff.) Anyway, are you familiar with the area shown in the opening credits of this show? I'm just curious because the bridges and buildings and scenery look so cool (I've never been to Chicago).
    Hi Rhon. How is your ankle? Soaking your foot should help a lot...do you use epsom salts in the water? Yes, my foot still hurts every day :mad:. How are things in Chicago? I can't believe that some teenager drove through a stop sign right into my parents' car. The kid hit the rear door, and so it's a major repair that his insurance will pay for. Thank God my parents weren't hurt...I worry too much about them. Have a nice week. :teeth:
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