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  • :listen: We must be really bored if we are excited about a Jacket that was marked down to $30 and bought with a 30% off coupon :laugh:

    Do you shop at Kohl's at all:questionmark:
    Congrats on getting a new mayor, finally! :hurray: We're having the same weather as you...:rainme: and mild. I'm having dinner tonight at Ruby Tuesdays with my mom (dad is staying home). I'm looking forward to eating out since I haven't cooked this week (all I ate was Lean Cuisine microwavable meals :nonod:). Enjoy your weekend!
    :listen: I also got a new jacket on clearance and will be donating my old one :cheer2:

    I thought you would be happy to know that :lol:

    When I get a 30% off at Kohl's I rummage through the clearance :woot:
    Hi Rhon :hello:. We also had a 60 degree day, and then the next day it was freezing cold again. There's still snow all over the ground, and it :smow: a little bit yesterday. My library doesn't have "Secretariat" yet. One of the movies I rented is "The Crazies"...it was good...it's a remake of George A. Romero's 1973 original which I never saw. I love George A. Romero :director:!

    Have a great week and weekend. :wavey:
    I hope all that :rainme: didn't freeze :scared:

    I didn't put my boots away yet :teeth: I just got a new pair on clearance at Kohl's and threw my old ones out :proud:
    Did you hit with a bunch of :smow: last night:questionmark: We got 9" :faint2:
    I hope you enjoy your long weekend :teeth:

    I think we have the same weather as you do :cheer2:

    :listen: I know what you mean about wanting to dress lighter but are afraid of getting sick :sick: I do worry the same :faint2:
    :tee: Hi Rhon! How is life in Chicago? Have you seen any good movies lately? I have a bunch of movies that I'm on the waiting list for at my library...they have a lot of the latest releases on DVD, and rental is free! I used to deal with Blockbuster Video, but I haven't bothered renting from them in a long while. It seems like forever since I rented any movies, so I need to get caught up. I want to see Inception, 127 Hours and Secretariat. Have a great week! :wavey:
    Hi Rhon! :star: Hope you had a great weekend. It's warming up here also...supposed to be in the 40's today, but then it gets colder tomorrow. We've had a lot of snow melting, too, but not enough so that you can see the lawns. Happy Valentine's Day! I'll talk to you soon...
    Thankfully all this cold and snow is temporary. Then we get to complain again in the summer when it's hot & humid...I hate humidity. So spring and fall are my favorite times of the year. You're smart to wear layers, especially since you drive a bus and have to open and close that door which lets cold air in. I'm so bad about dressing for the cold weather...I wear a sweater and a wool coat (no layers). I can't believe it's Friday! Have a nice weekend, Rhon.
    Awww...that's too bad the steak house was full :eating:, but it sounds like you had a great time with your Dad. I think I've only watched the entire Superbowl once or twice in my life. I would rather watch a baseball game any day. I'm definitely not a sports fanatic. Sorry to hear about more :smow: for you. This is really a strange winter. I feel like hibernating! :wavey::bebored::juggle:
    Rhon, Happy b-day to your Dad! Where did you take your Dad for his b-day? I'm not a big football fan, so I don't get all crazy about the Superbowl...I didn't watch the game. How about you? We are in the same situation with snow as Chicago, and we got more snow this morning. Talk to you soon...:rockon:
    Hi Rhon :ciao:. Did you end up getting more snow? Was this the first time Chicago closed schools in years? We were supposed to have up to 3 more inches today, but Mother Nature decided to give us some rain instead. Yesterday we were finally able to remove the three or so feet of snow at the bottom of my driveway that the town snow plow left as it did snow removal on my street...the snow always seems to end up in a pile at the end of my driveway :nonod:...lucky me! Stay warm and enjoy your weekend!
    Hi Rhon! :wavey: We got hit pretty hard with that snowstorm. The last 3 days, they had roads closed off to here as the conditions were treacherous and still are out in the country. Kids have been off school since 1pm Tuesday and I haven't had to work since 2:30pm Tuesday. Don't know if the kids will have school tomorrow yet or not. Country roads are down to one lane, in the middle of the road.... How bad did you or the Chicago area get hit? I saw where they had Lakeshore closed down and such and where Wrigley Field had parts of it's dome come off.... I hope everything is well where you're at:yesnod: :hugs:
    OMG! You guys really got the worst of the storm :eek:. I'll bet the kids were happy to have a day off from school there. I was stuck home all day, too. Have a great rest of the week and stay safe driving.
    Same here, but no blizzard. We're in for snow and freezing rain today. Most schools will be closed for another day in a row. So even with the blizzard, is Chicago still going to keep schools open?
    oh thats terrible!! i do hope the snow wont hit your part of town!!! we just got a bit of snow and then theres ice and slush later on which i do not like! I prefer just snow but maybe the rain will melt a bit of what we have been getting...

    oh i wish spring is coming soon so we can say good-bye to the snow :)

    stay safe when driving and stay warm :hug:
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