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  • That's great that Chicago is getting a break from snow. Most of our snow has been melting, though today we had some snow falling which didn't amount to anything. I didn't shovel the snow in the last snow storm...it was just too much snow for me to handle. How is work and everything going? I can't believe the holidays are over, can you? Let me know if there are any good movies out now.
    Happy New Year, Rhon! :tee: Hope you had a nice New Year's Eve. I'm feeling better, but still really tired. We got a huge snow storm (blizzard) the other day, and some of the snow has already melted. We were lucky that we didn't lose power because the wind was insane. We're not due for any more snow this week. Did Chicago get more snow like you mentioned? Have a great week, and stay warm.:yesnod:
    :lol: I didn't even notice :faint:

    Happy New Year! :teeth: :hug:

    :behindsofa: Now I see it! I hope you have fun whatever you do :yesnod:
    :biggrinjester: Sounds like fun. I have a coworker who is having a little party. My coworker and wife is having a gumbo party and a long list of items to eat. :) he want his guest to stay overnight. He likes to serve breakfast in the morning. I don't think i will stay all night. I have another coworker having a party New Years Day. I have a full weekend!!!:yesnod::clap:
    :confused: Not sure what's going on for New Years, but it sure doesn't matter what I want to do. :thefinger:

    It's all about what my BF's friends want to do :eek:

    What are you going to be doing:questionmark: Anything exciting:teeth:

    My BF has a single friend that wants to go to a local bar :yikes: that's the last thing I want to do :faint:

    :druel: Yeah, let's hangout with a bunch of drunk young people in a crowded atmosphere with everyone looking to get laid and have a nice romantic night :woot:

    My BF sure isn't Jewish, but I am - I'm also ticklish, jealous and squeamish! :rofl:

    :sad: Sorry I haven't replied sooner, I just don't come on here and check messages very often :nonod: I seem to check points & prizes words and then leave :vroam:

    How was your :santaclaus: Christmas:questionmark:

    Is your Mom feeling any better? :smiley:
    Awww...sorry you had to work on Christmas Eve. I couldn't believe that our CVS store in town was open on Christmas day...good thing because I desperately needed cold medicine. I'm still sick and had to stay home on Christmas. But my mom came over to visit me and brought me some turkey and the fixings she made. It looks like we're in for some :smow: today through tomorrow (6-10 inches expected). So how was your Christmas? Take care! :ciao:
    :seeya: Rhon...I haven't been watching the weather reports lately, so I didn't know that Chicago got all that snow...WOW. There's no snow on the ground here. I'm wondering if we're going to get lots of snow this winter (it's hard to know). That's great that your mom is recovering well. I'm done shopping...I finished buying some items online to have them arrive here on the 24th and then I'll wrap them. I've been under the weather since Monday (I haven't been sick with a sore throat/cold in about 20 years), and I'm hoping this goes away by Christmas. Have yourself a Merry Christmas!!!
    Has Chicago gotten any new snow lately? We only have a dusting of snow on the ground, and I'm happy for that because I don't feel like driving in the snow yet. Are you ready for Christmas? I still haven't mailed my Christmas cards out, but I'll try to get them out tomorrow. Is your mom doing better? She's fortunate to have you as a daughter :yesnod:. Have a wonderful Christmas, Rhon! :hugs:
    I'm happy to hear your mom is doing well :yesnod:. You're a good daughter for being there to help your mom. I wonder if we will have snow here by Christmas :noidea:. We are in the same temp range as you in Chicago...this morning was about 13 degrees outside...way too cold for me! There's a few stray cats in my neighborhood, and I feel awful that they have to be outside in this cold :nonod:. I can't believe how Christmas is coming up so fast. I still need to write out and send Christmas cards...I guess I'll be doing that some time this weekend. Anywho, have a great Christmas and Merry Christmas to your parents!
    :hugs::wavey: Hi Rhon! I'll be with my parents, too, for Christmas. We used to drive about an hour away to be with relatives for the holiday, but those relatives are doing different things now and so it's not easy getting everyone together...I miss those times. How is your mom and how did surgery go? Hope she's not in any pain. I'll put Stoppable on my list for movies to see. Oh yeah, I'm a kid at heart, for sure! I already have presents for my mom, and I'll probably give my Dad a gift card or cash because he has too much stuff already and I don't want to add to his stuff. I totally avoided Black Friday...I didn't want to deal with those crazy crowds. Have you had any snow yet? Yesterday we had some light snow flurries, but that was it. Have a great week!
    Gift cards are the easiest way to go

    Your Grandmother and my Mom share the same day for birthdays :rofl:
    No plans so far for Christmas, just going to spend time with my BF's family :unsure:

    How's your Mom feeling? I hope the surgery was a great success :yesnod:
    :eek: Yep, we've already had :smow: here, not enough here to really make a difference though. Looks like today is a heat wave- high is going to be 34 and the rest of the week is going to be colder :yikes:

    I'm going to be in Chicago the weekend of Valentines Day :faint: I'm not going to be looking forward to do :driver:
    We were invited for a Bat Mitzvah :loco: Do you know what that is:questionmark:
    :wave: Hi rhonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn:teeth:

    I had to work Black Friday also, and Saturday :ohwell:

    My family was in from out of town over Thanksgiving - :faint: so we already exchanged gifts.

    All I had left to buy for was my BF. :cheer2: Tuesday he took his car in to have remote start installed and I surprised him by calling and paying for it :woot:

    So I'm all done :marchmellow:

    Do you still have a lot of shopping to do:questionmark:

    I do have my Mom's birthday in 10 days :eek: so I have to get her something and mail it out :smiley:
    Hi Rhon! :teeth: Happy belated Thanksgiving. I haven't seen any movies lately. Oh, I love Harrison Ford! I don't have any plans to go out of town on Christmas...(would have loved to take a trip to NYC like in the past). I'll be spending time with my parents on Christmas. How about you? :wavey:
    :yesnod: I had a great Thanksgiving, thanks.

    How was yours:questionmark:

    :vroam: :wave:
    Good morning Rhon :hugs: Looks like I just missed you! :sad: All is well with my girls and I. :) Thanks for the pic comment. We took some pretty goofy pics before going to my mom's for dinner. Anything new and exciting in your world? :noidea: Did you do the Black Friday madness?:wavey:
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