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    Glad everything's good with you. I'm on here, just not always logged in. It's cold here too, before you know it the snow will be here, so sad! :-)
    I just missed you last night! I've missed out chats and gaming times!!! :yesnod: Happy Belated Birthday!!!!:party: I hope you had a nice birthday! :) Have any plans for your upcoming vacation??? :noidea: My girls are keeping me busy with my oldest just turning 15 :sad: I don't know where the time is going!!! I'm not sure about Thanksgiving yet, as I haven't really given it much thought:nonod: How about yourself? What have you been up to otherwise? Staying out of trouble? :wink: :teeth: :hugs:
    We got like ONE lol but its all good..Oh that's great! I'm glad to hear you are getting vacation time before thanksgiving too! I want to see Megamind and Due Date this weekend..if I do I will let you know how they are!

    Enjoy your weekend too!
    I'm glad you enjoyed the movie! I was planning on seeing SAW with my bf but we didnt have time this weekend. I'm going to see Megamind and Due Date this weekend so cant wait! Its been really cold here in NYC in the 40s!! and not to mention windy too which is totally not helping!! Oh I wish its warm again...:cry:

    How was your halloween?
    I'm sure SAW 3D will be good, especially with the 3D effects! I don't know if I'll make it in time before it's gone from the theaters, though. Not everyone I know wants to go watch SAW, so I might have to drag someone along. Anywho, Happy Halloween!!!
    :birthday: :woot: Happy Birthday, rhon! Have a good time with your Aunt. My mom, dad and brother all have October birthdays, too. I don't know what movies are good at the theater now. I'd like to see the whole Saw series of movies ...I had only seen the first two. Now Saw is out in 3D...don't know if I'll get a chance to see it in 3D, but that's got to be cool. I love scary, suspenseful movies. We are having similar weather to yours. Last Saturday night it was cold out, and then this week at night it is relatively warm and humid. Weird weather...:teeth:.
    Oh some free time to yourself sounds just as good!! At least you get to sleep in and do whatever you want :)

    oh thats great! where are you going on vacation? anyways I hope you have fun and enjoy it!
    :hugs: Hi rhon... Hope you're having a great week. I'm glad I don't have to bake any more cakes for another year... :ahhhhh:. Have you seen any good movies lately?
    I wish I could send you one of my chocolate cakes :cake:! I'll be making another for my mother's birthday in less than a week. This time I'm frosting it with homemade chocolate-Kahlua frosting...yum. The only thing I don't like about baking is the cleaning up after. 70's in Chicago sounds pretty good. We're in the 60's, and I've already turned on the heat a couple of times because it was too cold in the house at night. Hope you have a nice week. :ciao::pumpkin::bat:
    oh i was gonna go see it on mon but didnt want to watch 2 movies back to back lol...lemme know what you think of it!
    :lol: oh i saw Let Me In yesterday! It was really good!! I wanted to see Buried but that one was only select theaters!
    Hola Rhon:hugs: I thought I had responded back to you and I see that I didn't :sad: Life here has been crazy, hope yours is going fantastically well! :teeth: I miss our talks and playing the games together. :yesnod: How's the fall schedule for your route? How's mom and dad? Have you been able to get out and dance? :noidea: I hope you're able to get out and enjoy this amazingly beautiful weather we have been having. :yesnod: I hope I get to talk to you soon! Take care, hon! :hugs:
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