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  • Hi Rhon!:hugs: Are you home for the night?:noidea: Did you get to enjoy this brisk weather we are having today? Hope all is well! :wavey:
    We're back to having another heat wave :target:...this summer has been the hottest that I can remember in recent years. Rhon, I'm rooting for you that you win those gym shoes! It's great that your company is having a walk challenge. Are most of the employees participating? I keep forgetting that Labor Day weekend is almost here, so...I hope you have a very relaxing weekend! :ciao:
    I have some new game ideas!

    :juggle: - Juggling!

    :bowl: - Bowling!

    :idea: - Or... or.... wait... hmmmm... nevermind.
    well takers seems like a lot of action which is what i like but i dont think i'll have time to see it anytime soon...the next couple of weekends are gonna be booked like crazy so i'll just have to wait till i have time. but if you see it before me let me know! :)
    I saw Piranha 3D (and yes they only had it in 3D available) which in my opinion wasn't that much better than 2D if they had it...) it was BRUTAL!! you actually see the bodies getting sliced up and what it looks like after they are being eaten alive by those fishes and it was more interested to watch than it was scary.

    I also saw the last exorcism this past weekend and I had anticipated it would be a scary movie given the past exorcisms but it wasnt all that good because it was more of a documentary and at times it almost put me to sleep and THATS not good! :lol:
    My weekend was good. :yesnod: Thanks for asking. :hugs: How have things been otherwise for you? Anything new or exciting?:) :noidea:
    :hugs: I just missed you! A friend stopped by with some clothes for my littlest one... :woot: to relaxing weekends.:yesnod: I spent my Sunday afternoon outside doing yardwork and got burnt.:sad: I hope you have an most excellent work week :teeth::rapture:
    Hi Rhonnie:hugs::itsme: How's life treating ya? I found your message :teeth: I had a good & hopefully round out the weekend with fun Sunday:yesnod: No plans for the holiday, just yet. How about yourself? Have you had time to get out and :dancing: lately?:boogy:
    :wavey::hugs:Hi sweetie!! I need to work 39 or 40hrs or more. I could not pick that schedule. So, I decided to work 4 days of three.:yesnod:Did you have a good week? What do you have planned for the holiday?:peace:
    :hugs::flowers: Glad to know you're fine:yesnod: What made you decide differently than you orginally wanted for your schedule? Everything else ok?:noidea: Girls are good. Their schedules are still taking some time to get use to... May want to saw me in half for my 2 older girls... :wink: So not ready for all this:nonod:
    of course i will let you know!! is it going to be a nice weekend over there? i hope so!
    he actually LOVES taking me to see scary movies that way i am more vulnerable :lol: but yea we are both jet li fans so maybe if we have time after catching 2 movies this weekend we will catch the expendables and yes i will tell him you said it was good :wink:
    I'm glad to hear the expendables was good...my bf wants to see it but i wasnt sure with all those star power if it was going to be any good...lemme know what u think of pirahna!! oh really? i saw like 2 of the SAW movies but didnt have the guts to see the rest...kinda a chicken that way right? :unsure: its too scary for me although my bf loves SAW as well...hopefully he wont make me go see anymore of it...:sad: or else i'll start :cry:
    Hi rhon! :hugs: How have you been??? Did you get a new schedule with as little kids on it as possible? My girls' schedules are INSANE:yesnod: Do you know anyone that can cut me in 2? :wink: How was your weekend? Was it relaxing or fun or both?:noidea:
    it is scary! its about a bunch of fishes that eats human! lol...well its really cool here too and nothing but clouds...well at least the weekend is looking nice! i was thinking of watching the last exorcism too...u?
    I know what you mean about it being so hot. I think the heat & humidity was starting to make me feel sick :faint:. Finally, yesterday and today have been so much cooler, but we're in for more hot weather soon. Are you getting cooler temps today? If so, did you take a walk outside? Have you seen any good movies lately? The last one I saw (on DVD) was "Pirate Radio":music:...funny and entertaining for sure. Take care for now!
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