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  • I :heart: the smell of a new :car:

    The car is awesome :yesnod: I love it!

    How's your week going? I know you can't wait for the weekend :party: Do you have fun plans?

    I have nothing going on yet that I know of :unsure:

    I hope that I will be selling my old car this weekend :smiley: :prey:
    That's so cool that your passenger commended you. Hope you get your pic in the paper! :yesnod: If you see Salt, let me know how you liked it. I may have to rent it when it comes out on DVD...I don't get to the theater that often anymore. This weekend :thinking:...I don't have plans yet, but I do have so much to get done around the house that I've been putting off. Hope your week goes well...:wavey:
    :rofl: I found the message you posted on your own page :teeth:

    :prey: I hope you will find time to enjoy the rest of your summer :smiley:

    Don't work too hard :hippie:
    Good morning, hon!:hugs: Cleaning is so much fun...:wink: School registration is today and tomorrow and school is in 2 weeks from today:yikes: I hope you're able to enjoy your last week of :peace: :yesnod: Any plans for the coming weekend? Have you been able to do much for :dancing2: this summer?:noidea:
    I love Hitchcock. And Sci-Fi, too. I did see Shutter Island last weekend, but I'd like to watch it again some time to pick up on things I might have missed the first time watching it. It's been a long day, and at 8 PM I have to cook dinner:hungry:...wish there was something easy to pop in the microwave tonight. Are you having a good week so far?:dancing2:
    :target::itsme: Hi sweetie, I just did a lot of cleaning in my apartment. I am trying to practice cooking my meals for the week. My wook schedule is full and I get home after 6pm three days aweek. :yesnod:This is my last week of :peace:. The school kids start school next week. I work this schedule until September 6th.:) I hope you have a stress free week.:boogy:
    :kiss: Thanks honey. I took some pictures the other night outside :yikes:

    It was kinda scary :scared:

    I :heart: my new car :woot:

    After driving my last car for so long, it's such a treat! :hungry:
    How are you doing:questionmark:
    :hugs: Did you have any fun this weekend? :noidea: I need to live vicariously through someone :yesnod: And yes, this weekend went too dang fast!:vroam:
    Hi hon, who went and made you domesticated....:jaw::) Yes, I had to work till 2pm :yesnod: Are you home for the evening? :noidea: So, what's on tomorrow's menu?:hungry:
    Hi hon!:flowers: Now it's Saturday!!!:woot: Me? Party?:pound::rofl: Sounds like you had a fun Friday...:wink: Hopefully you have a fantastic weekend:yesnod::party:
    Hi Rhon...I want to see Salt, too...the previews look interesting. I'm sure it's a great movie with Angelina Jolie. For action movies, I like stuff like The Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Bourne Ultimatum with Matt Daman. This weekend, I'm going to watch Shutter Island and a few other movies that are on hold for me. I love all kinds of movies (except boring ones :zzz:). What are your favorite classic movies? I don't get TCM channel (I used to have it). My favorite movies?...too many...Midnight Cowboy, The Graduate, The Departed, The Bucket List, Pineapple Express, No Country for Old Men, Frozen River, Little Miss Sunshine, etc...:teeth:. Have a nice weekend :tee:
    Rhonnie!!!!:hugs: My week is good.:yesnod: Hope all is awesome for you:teeth: I bet you can't WAIT to be busing school kids!!!!:teeth:
    What time do you have to get up tomorrow? Nope, not ready.:nonod: You? I bet you just can't wait to be busing school kids again...:lol: :)
    :flowers: :wavey: Sounds like you had the same weather as us:yesnod: We don't have them at the library :nonod: This girl spent her time getting some groceries:woot: :lol: What are you doing up now?:thinking:
    :ciao: Hi hon! My weekend has been nothing to write home about:nonod: That's cool you got to see your cousin, bonus 2 others showed up. :yesnod: It :rainme: here off and on and then cleared up and a little more:rainme: this morning. I don't think I have heard of that movie. What's it about? I've never heard of Carmen either. I'm out of the loop with tv or movies:silly: Girls go to VBS starting tonight and it runs for 5 nights. They put on a lil show for the parents and family on Thursday. For the next 4 nights, I'll have 2.5 hours I won't know what to do with! :lol:
    Hi Rhon! How was the movie Predator? Was it in 3D? I still have never seen a movie in 3D at a movie theater, can you believe that?...I'm into 3D stuff. I love movies...just rented Precious, The Blind Side, and Up In the Air (for free at my library...I didn't know they had DVD's for rent until a year ago). I'm dying to rent Shutter Island. How is work? The heat here has gotten better, but I'm still running the AC when I'm home because I so dislike humidity. Hope you're having a nice weekend. :hug:
    Nothing wrong with relaxing :nonod: Do you follow a video, tv or do your own work out routine?:noidea: Awe, that was nice of your parents :yesnod: Finally got some rain after they predicted for the last 7 days that we would... It's just cloudy as of right now, which it's 4:15pm :) Hope you had a relaxing day! :hugs:
    I thought I would offer, just in case:) My van is no longer... :nonod: Not sure what I want:noidea: Thanks for the pic comment :teeth: Have fun planned this weekend? :boogy:
    I can't swim:nonod: I've been looking up vehicles online and doing household chores all day:woot: :lol: That's cool your cousin is visiting:yesnod: I can give you some siblings, if you want:rofl:
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