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  • Looks like I missed ya! No plans set in stone for me :nonod: Going to the movies sounds like fun:yesnod: Hope the new schedule is going well :) Take care, hon! :hugs: :flowers:
    Well, don't work too hard this summer! Make sure you save time to have fun for yourself. Happy belated 4th of July...hope you had a grrrrreat time at the fireworks!!!
    I just seen that you posted this to your page instead of mine:tongue: :) Glad you saw an awesome display and had a great time!!! :yesnod: Any plans for the coming week or weekend? :noidea: The guy I rode with is 70some years old and is a sweetheart, I made his day... His wife even took pictures to send to their son:yesnod: I've never ridden on a motorcycle let alone ride in a side car. That was pretty cool! :)
    :clap::star:Go Daisy!!! That is so cool!!! The fireworks show was the greatest!!!:yesnod: As I watch I was:thinking: the lights were coming toward me. I was scared at first. :afraid::smilielol5:The big chicken that I am, my cousin was laughing at me. I finallly got over my fear and enjoyed the show!!!:peace:
    Morning, sunshine :) My mom is having a cookout & my girls and I will probably watch the fireworks from our backyard rather than fighting the crowds down at the park. :yesnod: I was in the parade yesterday riding in the sidecar of a Ural, a Russian made motorcycle. That was pretty cool! :woot:
    :wavey: Glad you liked the jokes and pics:yesnod: I hope they're not offending anyone... I hope this finds you having had an awesome weekend! :woot:
    It's all good! Still no definite plans here. It's up in the air...:noidea: Playing it by ear. Well hopefully your busy weekend will be a fun one! Be safe! :yesnod:
    Hi hon! :tee::lollypop: Sounds like fun:yesnod: After tomorrow, I will be off till next Tuesday :woot: :party: I hope you have fun and be safe! :hugs: :rapture:
    :rockon::aetsch:Hope this finds you having had an excellent weekend and work going great! :yesnod::hugs:
    :flowers: Good evening! I hope you had fun with the family today! :boogy::yesnod: That's awesome that your mom is cleared for work & that she doesn't have to work weekeds anymore! :woot: Hopefully you will get some rest this weekend. Is tomorrow Sunday's school class a continuation of last weeks?
    Sorry things are hectic :unsure: Taste of Chicago I bet is pretty cool, as long as you don't have to drive a bus thru detours... I haven't made plans . Cool you get to see fireworks in another state:yesnod: Any plans for this weekend besides your morning walk:noidea: Take care! :hugs:
    Sorry to hear you guys got all that :sad: I live very close to where I work, in which, I am very grateful for:yesnod: A lot of places in the surrounding towns had some damage. I lucked out with only some water in my basement. My girls and I were able to stay at the library for awhile, to ride the storms out the last 3 times we've been hit. I'm beginning to think we live near bird as oppose to Illinois. :yesnod: How's the new schedule working out? Hope all is awesome for you! :):wavey:
    :) I wondered if Chicago had year round school :yesnod: The weather here has sucked! We're building arks! :yesnod: I had to dig a trench in the back parking lot of the library cause it was flooding water into my department... :sad: Hope all is well on your end! :hugs:
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