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  • Hello:wavey: I'm good. Saw 106 today :faint: Had the day off:woot: I work Saturday. How about you? Anything exciting planned?:boogy: Any luck getting your window looked at and/or fixed?:noidea:
    you totally should see it! its really good!! oh yea i'm a huge fan of hers too she kicks a$$ lol...
    thats not good :nonod: well stay indoors as much as you can then i guess :yesnod:

    i wanna go see SALT too!! i watched inception and predators last weekend...inception was really good although a bit confusing but overall good. did you see it?
    :hugs: Sorry to hear about work:sad: I'm ok. It's been horridly humid the past week or two:yesnod: School starts 4 weeks from today... I was told today that Illinois has a tax free week or so coming up so I have to check that out and buy their school supplies then. :) I bet you're just ECSTATIC about the kids going back to school and a whole new bus route!!!!!!!:rofl: :pound:
    hey there! sry about for the late reply! been busy lately...

    well not so much keeping cool... i've been in the sun pretty much all the time and now i have completely changed into a much darker shade! lol but i dont mind as long as i'm having fun.

    how have u been lately? hows the weather there? hope its not tooooo hot!
    :star::hugs:Hi rhon:woot: We're melting over here with the heat and humidity:ack: Hope you're able to keep cool:yesnod: How have you been? Has you bus schedule been messed up with the filming of Transformers 3 on Michigan Avenue?:noidea: A friend of mine who lives up there said it has been horrid up there for traffic :yesnod: Hope you got your screen fixed so you don't have any more of them pesky flies coming in! I don't like flies either! :nonod: Take care and hopefully you're having fun! :boogy: :)
    It's 106 right now:eek: :faint: Have a softball game at 8pm tonight...:ack: Hope you're able to stay cool with this lovely weather:yesnod: :hugs:
    Ah, ok:blushing: Plans have been changed and going tonight to look at cars and get groceries! :woot: I need a bunch of stuff...:sad: Awesome that you got your paragraph done! :yesnod: Now you get the rest of the night to do whatever you want :)
    I haven't seen the previews for it :nonod: Not sure if it's happening tomorrow or not. Can't get ahold of my friend to see if we still are going or not...:noidea: I hope the jokes and pics don't offend anybody... What are you up to tonight?
    Ouch on the movie price! Hope you're able to see them:yesnod: I work today till 2pm and have to get groceries sometime. Tomorrow I'm going to go look at vehicles with a friend of mine. Night time is up in the air yet? :noidea: The picture of my girls is back up. I haven't rode in/on anymore motorcycles since last Saturday :nonod: Hope you're able to have fun this weekend! :boogy: :hugs:
    I didn't see huge professional-quality fireworks, just some fireworks my neighbors were setting off. Some cities canceled their fireworks events this year because of budget cuts. Oh, it's been soooo HOT here, too...the other day it was about 101. I've been running my AC all week. If it wasn't for the humidity, it would be more bearable. Weekend plans...I was supposed to go out tonight, but I couldn't make it. Other than that, I have so much to do around the house, and on Sunday I have to wait for the cable guy....lol. How about you...any plans this weekend? :hug:
    :woot: about your buses! :yesnod: Whatcha got planned for the weekend? :thinking: :noidea: :boogy: :yesnod:
    Cool thing about the five days off is that they were paid and didn't count as my vacation time:woot: :) Hope you're mom is feeling alot better than she did:yesnod: Today is my day off so I'm just taking care of things around home :washing: and such... Staying cool with all this humidity we've been having? :ack: I feel bad for those out east who aren't use to it. :sad:
    I'm sorry I'm missing you, too. :sad: :yesnod: Hope all is wonderful in your world :) Thanks for the pic comment. :hugs: The picture is of my 4 girls. I took it 3 or 4 times and I couldn't get them to all look at the camera without 3 of them making faces or not looking :nonod: It was hard going back to work yesterday after having 5 days off :yesnod: How was your time off?
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