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  • I'm glad you are enjoying your Sunday school class. :yesnod: I hope the weather has been cooperating with you :) Do you have any unruly kids on the bus this summer? :noidea: Having fun yet? :)
    Thanks for that info, I'll go check it out :vroam:

    How's it going? What cha doing over the summer? Do you still work?
    Have a good week, too, rhon! Are you getting the same hot and humid weather as we are? If so, stay cool... Take care, sweetie.
    Girls and I went to see the new Toy Story. :) It's a cute movie :yesnod: That's too bad that your walk was shortened, but hope your friend feels better. May I ask what's the Sunday School class you're attending? Hopefully the new schedule is a fun one! :boogy:
    I'm sure you're going to have a great time watching fireworks and all that stuff! I hope I can get to see some fireworks, too. Have a great Sunday, rhon.
    We got hit hard with :rainme:, wind, a little bit of hail and a tornado just outside town. I don't know if the tornado did any damage. :noidea: Glad you and yours are ok :) Hopefully you have beautiful weather to walk in :yesnod: I work today till 2pm and not sure what the rest of the weekend will entail. I thought about taking my girls to the new Toy Story movie :) That's nice you get to enjoy some mom and dad time tonight. :yesnod:
    :flowers: :hugs:I figured you'd go back to school schedules, I just didn't know if it would be the same school schedule or if it would be different. :noidea: Did Chicago get hit with storms? We got hit hard twice today! :yesnod: Still going walking with your girlffriends? Still hoping for a quiet weekend? :) Glad you liked the jokes! :teeth:
    Hi hon:wavey: All is well on my end. Got a nice little sunburn today :yesnod: Hope all is well on your end :) So do you go back to your schedule you have now or do you get to choose another schedule come fall?
    "Hi TOOTS!!! guess what? I found the cocktail thread, it is still open!!! "

    oooh you are BA-AD. here i am my first day back from vacation and you are enticing me to drink cocktails....and post. :wink::wink::wink:

    :eek:you know some members complain about that thread...:eek:
    :wave: Awesome that you were able to get your walk in and that you enjoyed it! :woot: It's also cool that you have walking buddies :yesnod: I bike with my headphones on, but wish, at times, that I had someone to bike with. I love playing frisbee in the :rainme: with my girls.:love: We even ended up with a few friends joining us. :) I'm not sure what my weekend will entail other than I work Saturday. How's the new schedule so far? :noidea: Hopefully you can enjoy a quiet weekend.
    Morning :flowers: How was the walk a thon? Did the rain hold off? :noidea: Hope all is well :yesnod: Any :woot: plans for the week or weekend?
    :clap: Good for you :teeth:

    I wish my clothes were falling off of me :blushing:

    I have no clue what I'll be doing on the 4th of July. Do you have any special plans? We've been having abnormally cool weather. This weekend, I almost put the heat on, but instead got out my comfy sweatpants and sweatshirt for hanging around the house (wasn't feeling well, so I had an excuse to be lazy :couch2:). I hope all is well with you!
    :wave: Thanks Honey, my Grandmother was doing better yesterday :woot:

    Even though one of her doctors had said that she would never make it out of the hospital :thefinger:

    I bet you are already walking :creep: this morning :noidea:

    I hope you have comfortable shoes on :teeth:

    I always work on Saturdays :sad:
    :wave:Hmmm... that's cool. I hope you have fun with your girls & have a stress-free weekend!!! :teeth:
    Morning hon! Can't sleep:nonod: and I have to be at work at 9am :faint: Have fun! I've never heard of that movie.
    That's cool :) Are raising money for some cause? :noidea: Try to stay cool and protected from that heat! :yesnod: Have you been able to get some :boogy: in with your busy schedule?
    Have a GREAT weekend, rhon! I'm not sure if I had responded to your message (you had asked if I had a nice holiday)...it was relaxing. Now July 4th is practically right around the corner! :usa2:

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