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  • :trytofly: I'm working on training that darn bird :nonod:

    It isn't easy :faint:

    What cha doing this weekend:questionmark:

    My BF and I are having our 13Th anniversary :yikes: but we have put our plans on hold because of my family situation :sad:
    :listen: My Grandmother is sick :sick::cry:
    Thanks:blushing: Glad to hear that your mom is doing well! :teeth: It's good she gets to take some time off work:yesnod: How far do you ladies go for your walk a thon? Hopefully it won't be that hot, but I haven't looked at the weather for the weekend yet. Definitely dress light and lots of sunscreen and water!!! Would be even better if you had some cute, young guy to help cool you ladies off... :wink: :):yesnod::angel: Saturday I have to work, but later a couple of my girls and I are going to a friend's house for :eating: Not sure about Sunday yet.:noidea: When does your new schedule for work start? Hope work hasn't been too hot for you or too chaotic! :hugs:
    oh wow 90 degrees?! thats really hot! oh i hope you guys will have fun! enjoy your weekend :)
    That's awesome! :yesnod: Sunshine here all day! :) Your schedule sounds pretty decent. Yay no school kids!!! :teeth: How's your mom doing? Any plans for the weekend yet? :noidea:
    thanks! i hope i wont pass out from being high up..what do u have planned for this coming weekend?
    that's wonderful! i hope you had lots of fun! and more to come in the future!

    I am going to six flags this weekend with my bf so i am a little nervous because i'm a tad bit afraid of heights...
    Plans for the weekend were my Nieces graduation Ceremony on Sunday and a dinner.

    Last night, a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and working in the yard.

    :nonod: I just don't get it :confused: My bird just wants to hang out in my hair :argh:

    How was the graduation party that you went to?

    :doh: It's cold here this morning :eek:
    Hi hon:flowers: How was the picnic? :party: What kind of schedule did you pick for work?:noidea:
    hi this is jimmy sunni's husband..she's hurting like hell.. can't even lift her head off the pillow and right now is icing her neck. going to a neursurgeon on wed..hopefully will get some much needed surgery b/c this can't go on. her left arm and hand keeps going numb and she writes w/ her left hand, she can't lift her head from the pillow, att has denied her claim so we're appealing it, she can't see and has so many dizzy spells i can't leave her alone at all. please pray for her to get some much needed releif. the mri on her spine and neck show it's the c5 and pain management hasn't worked and neither has physical therapy and all she does is takes meds and lie in bed. hoping that this surgeon can straighten it out. 6-8 weeks is a small price to pay compared to life long.
    Yes, finally got some warm weather :sun:, the kitty's :cat: aren't lovin it too much though! :lol:
    Good morning :flowers: I logged onto the site when you were posting in games :) Can't sleep :sad: Saturday's are usually quite for the most part, but now that I said that, it probably won't be! :lol: BBQ sounds delicious. Thanks! :hugs:
    Have a nice time at your friends daughter's :party: I work today and I'm not sure what the rest of the weekend entails. :noidea: I hope you have an :woot: weekend! :wavey:
    :argh: I hate this waiting period with the bird :faint: Love me or go away :sad:

    How are you doing? Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. :hugs:
    Your Sunday sounds fun :) I'm sure your walk-a-thon will go awesome :woot: Not sure on how my weekend is going to go. No real plans as of yet. How is your mom holding up?
    Wow, what are you going to do not having to bus school kids?!?!? :boogy: :woot: Our hours stay the same all year round. :yesnod: Our library is too small to have those kind of cool cards. :sad: Do you have any plans for the coming weekend? :noidea:
    :wave: Hey there rhon :teeth:

    I'm glad you had a nice restful day yesterday :yesnod: and a good weekend with family :woot:

    I discovered yesterday that my bird is much nicer to me when I don't have nail polish on :thefinger:

    He stopped letting me pick him up and petting him :mad: then I took off my polish yesterday and it was totally the opposite :faint:

    Crazy isn't it:questionmark:
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