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  • :wave: Hi there
    The weather today is chilly and windy, I bet you have the same weather :sad:
    :yesnod: I know what you mean about this place not being the same :nonod: That's what always happens here :rant:
    You have a great time, then they change things or people get pissed :motz:and pretty soon it's not the same :ack:
    Wait a while and then someone new will come around and it's different again and fun again :faint:
    I'm not 100% sure where apple went, but I'm sure she got tired of all the BS. Bird on the other hand :trytofly: got tired off all the BS :thefinger:
    Hi rhon :teeth:

    Glad you are making your way around town. :yesnod:

    Things here are pretty good :noidea: but I've been fighting to get over this pneumonia :sick:

    I think we are headed for some cold weather tomorrow :faint:

    What's new with you:questionmark:
    Thank you! :) Congratulations to you as well! :five: I don't know what I'm doing for Mother's Day yet. How about yourself? :noidea: Any fun plans for the rest of the week or weekend?
    Hi hon! :wave: The weather has been beautiful! The girls are great! My oldest graduates 8th grade in a little over 2 weeks...:sad: :unsure: I've been trying to get some miles on my bike every night for the last few nights... How's the new house coming along? Have you been able to enjoy the weather?
    yup it was in the 90s over the past weekend when i was hanging out at my bf's house. well that's good, getting to know the neighborhood and see whats around and stuff. I'm happy for you that you found such a wonderful place to live :) well just the right side of my shoulders and a little on the left side...still hurts when i touch it...
    oh that sounds like a lovely place! good for you!!

    the weather here has warmed up the last few days and on sun i was out playing tennis and i got sunburned!! :lol:

    how is it there? I hope you are getting warmer weather as well.
    I hope by the time this reaches you, that you will have had a wonderful week and resting well! :yesnod: :hugs: :wavey:
    :woot: I'm glad that you are enjoying the peacefulness of your new place :teeth:

    :ohwell: I'm feeling better everyday :yesnod: just fighting some kind of cold now :rant:
    :hugs: Thanks rhon, I just can't imagine having another pet right now. :nonod:

    How's the new place?:teeth:
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