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  • I have to go too.:yesnod: My oldest just found a paper she forgot to do and needs to use the computer. Have sweet:zzz: and hope all goes well for work this week! :) :hugs: :wavey:
    I have to agree with you on the weekend going too fast! :yesnod: We stayed home today. Kind of a gloomy day :sad: Have anything planned for the week, besides work?
    Hi rhon :wave:

    Sounds like you are doing great! :clap:
    This has been a tough weekend for me, I lost my Bird "Oliver" on Friday. I was lucky enough to have had him for over 25 years. :cry:
    We have :rainme: today ......:idea: I think G-d is just crying for Oliver :noidea::faint:
    Take care :kiss:
    Hi rhon! :hugs: I'm glad you were able to get settled in and that all is going well and that you :love: it! :yesnod: It's also awesome that your cousin lives just 5 minutes away :) Enjoy the rest of your time off & I hope I get to chat and play with you soon! Take care! I have to go to work...:rapture:
    :wave: Hi rhon! :teeth:

    What's happening with you? :noidea:

    I've been busy moving wood and cleaning out the back of the backyard :sad: :crutch:
    :wavey: Hope your move went smooth:) Bro just came over with Avatar....I know what I'll be doing for the next little while:thumb::ciao:l
    Hi Rhon :wave: Hope all is going well with the move & you return here really soon!!! :yesnod: :hugs:
    I had problems as well... Sweet:zzz: & I :prey: all goes well this week for you and the move! Have a great night! :wavey: :hugs:
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