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  • I haven't see that one :nonod: I don't watch much tv or movies, don't take the time to do that very often. Everything else ok on your end?
    Thanks :) She has 3 older sisters to learn from... So you can probably imagine the things that she comes up with...:blushing: I don't have any favorite shows on tv....
    Yes, I have been enjoying the beautiful weather. Was in the upper 60s today but with a slightly cooler breeze. My 4 year old is sitting on my lap and she seen a mole on my chest and proceeds to ask me what it is and asked if it was chocolate & then licks her finger and tells me she is going to try to get it off... :lol: I wouldn't let her and she then proceeds to hold her fingers in a thumping position and tells me, "Don't make me flick you"... never a dull moment in my house....
    I haven't been to a baby shower in years! That's cool no duplicates! :yesnod: Sorry I had to delete a double message you left. Notification wouldn't go away! :nonod: Is the place you're moving to need any freshening up?
    Food was really good! Tried not to eat too much... Did you do anything fun this weekend or past week?
    We had some chicken breast, prime rib, baked potato, soup, salad, chocolate mousse & there was other stuff.... too dang much!!!:lol:
    Awe, what's wrong? It's a big step, I know:yesnod: I'm good. Went to a dinner theater last night with a friend and the company they work for. That was interesting.
    Are you THAT old that they are kicking you out?!?!?!? :pound: :teeth: :wink: Hope you had an awesome week at work! :yesnod: :hugs:
    :smiley: I loved the weather today :marchmellow:

    I got off work early and worked in the yard :flowers:

    I wish you the best with your move :faint: seems like a lot of work :teeth:
    Have a good night, hon! Have a wonderful day at work tomorrow!!! I've enjoyed playing with you! :hugs: Sweet :zzz: :wavey:
    Sounds like you have a very caring family and that mom is making sure you don't have to come back home....:wink: Just teasing :yesnod: Pretty cool that you're set! :)
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