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  • but if you think about it...the sooner you move in the sooner you will enjoy your new place!!
    oh i'm just teasing :wink: i know you will never forget about me :blushing:

    oh moving? I hope the new place is really nice!! :yesnod::yesnod:

    yup NYC got up to 70 today and this weekend we are warming up!! I will be outside playing tennis and basketball with my bf so cant wait!!

    did you forget about me :unsure: :cry:

    :lol: how have you been? havent heard from you in ages!! :yesnod:
    Good luck with your move :smiley:

    Geez if you lived here, I could give you soooo much stuff to help you fill your place:yesnod:
    Are you moving close by where you are right now? Where are going? :noidea:
    Hi Honey! Sorry I'm not around here much:yesnod:

    I haven't had any great emails to send you in awhile :pcguru: But I'm always thinking of you :hugs: Thanks for all the ones you send me :love:
    :kiss: Hi Honey, sorry I haven't been around, it's just harder and harder to find time.

    How are you doing rhon rhon:questionmark:

    It got cold here again :argh: I'm sure you know and are having the same crappy weather.
    Free time? I get to go finish mom duties that I didn't do this morning and catch up everything else, lol! Sweet :zzz: :wavey:
    The bewitching hour is upon us.... Enjoy your tv show and I have truly enjoyed playing and chatting with you. I've missed it! :yesnod: I hope you have a great day at work tomorrow and don't have too much fun packing:wink: Good night hon:hugs:
    Saturday, my two oldest have a band & chorus contest about an hour away from here. Kids get out for Spring break Friday thru next week. Haven't decided what's going on yet...
    Sounds interesting. I'm so out of the loop of tv anymore. Don't watch it much anymore. Have plans for the weekend?
    :wavey:Howdy, I have a loop of 20 people between reps....aka every 20 times I can rep you so almost without fail every other day I can :caked: ya:rofl:....also I'm just that sneaky:lol::)
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