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  • Do you want those with white chocolate chips, semi-sweet, milk chocolate or mint flavored chips? I have all four :)
    Glad all went well!:yesnod: Also glad you got some much needed :zzz: Weren't you going to your grandma's to eat today?
    Hi rhon! Thanks for the :photo: comment:blushing: My weekend was good. Girls are outside dancing on the sidewalk/porch :) How was your weekend?
    It was nice for a couple of days, now it's been raining since thursday! :-(
    I was ready to get my shorts out to wear last week! LOL Not today though!
    Thanks, I will try to, but anymore, I figure, I will sleep when I'm gone... Thanks for a fun evening, as well! :) I hope you have a fun and productive day tomorrow! Sweet dreams & :zzz: well:hugs::wave:
    Have you always drove for high schools? Bless you for putting up with teenagers for that long, if you have!!! :yesnod:
    That's nice! It's legal for them to get on the bus using someone else's pass? Do you pick up kids from Moody?
    She is a very inquistive child... Heaven help me when she's older!!! :prey: Anything funny happen on the bus today or was it pretty quiet?
    Definitely not graphic and it's very tame. But she now knows more than what a lot of kids twice her age know...
    My coworkers & sister had a good laugh because of it! I, of course, am:blushing: because of it :lol:
    Come on out!!! I have 4 of them you can hang out with :yesnod: My littlest one has started asking about where babies come from. She's 4. It's cute to listen to her tell other people how it happens...
    Busy day! If you do the emissions test tomorrow that frees your Saturday. :yesnod: Take me with you tomorrow night!!! :lol: I get the pleasure of watching my 2 oldest in a school play tomorrow evening :)
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