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  • It's raining here as I type. :yesnod::sad: Glad you got to enjoy the weather yesterday. Awesome that you have a 3 day weekend coming up! :woot:Have a great day!:hugs:
    Hi rhon :itsme: My day was good. I don't think it quite reached 50 here today. It's getting closer to spring tho' :teeth: Almost bike riding weather! YES!!!:woot: I hope you had an enjoyable day with all the errands you had to run.:yesnod::hugs:
    I'm going away 2 weeks from today, and I have to get together a Friday night nice dinner outfit, a Saturday morning suit and a Saturday night dressy outfit. I also have a Sunday brunch then I fly back home. It's a weekend fiesta.
    I'm working on Saturday ( always do) and that's about it. I need to do some shopping , :rant: I hate to shop :motz:
    Girls are ornery as ever, but doing well.:wink: Thanks for asking.:) I work Saturday & hopefullyI can get the girls out skating Sunday! Any exciting plans for the weekend? Hot dates? Dancing? :teeth: :wink:
    :cheers: I'm doing just fine :hugs: Went out tonight with a couple of friends :cocktail:


    How are you doing, honey bunny :teeth::questionmark:
    Hi rhon :wavey: Hope all has been well with you :hugs: Hopefully you have been able to enjoy the beautiful weather! :yesnod: :ciao:
    That is probably the funniest thing about it all. After 5 and a half hours, I still have to go back to get my teeth cleaned. LOL!
    its good to hear you are feeling better! yup monday we are expecting 51! i cant wait to start wearing spring/summer clothes!
    Hey, yeah... neglect of flossing... :( They were all between my teeth. I went in to get my teeth cleaned and get fit with a temporary crown until they can order me a new one (broke my other eating carmal candy). Meanwhile they decided to do xrays since it had been so long since I had been to the dentist. FIVE AND A HALF HOURS LATER, I came out with 10 fillings and my temporary crown. I have to go back next week to get my teeth cleaned!
    :crosses my fingers: me too! well i hope the rain will change by sun cus its SUNDAY! well we are expecting 48 on sun!! which is awesome cus i get to go out and enjoy my day!!

    hows ur day today?
    well at least there are no accumulations right? oh thats great you guys are warming up too! we are expecting some snow tomorrow...*sigh*
    Thanks :hugs: rhon, I would have missed it :faint:

    What would I do without you :nonod:
    is the weather getting better? i just checked the forecast here and its warming up this weekend!! sooo excited!
    Hey rhon! :hugs: I have missed you, too! :kiss: It sucks about the weather, but Spring is almost here! :woot: :flowers: We don't have long now! :) I'll have to go and find Madonna's thread, she needs me! :bolt:
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