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  • Hi rhon:wavey: Nah, that's the picture you get from the picture frames! :wink: Yes, that's my oldest. The picture is about a month old. How was your day? Hope all went well :)
    no :cry: i am not okay :cry: its totally messing up my plans for this weekend!! ahhhhhhhhh! why cant the snow go away?

    what do u have planned for this weekend?
    its snowing again here...i had so many plans for this weekend with my bf but i guess most of them arent going to happen...when is it gonna stop snowing?? :cry: i hope your day is going alright so far.
    thanks! I do feel better today...had to run some errands and stuff today which tired me out and now im just chiling. hows ur day so far?
    Good to see your page opened. I'm getting ready to get slammed again by the Monster snow storm! I'm ready for summer now! LOL
    Thank you so much for this splendiferous evening of gaming & getting to know one another :teeth: I hope you have sweet dreams and sleep well! Good night :hugs: :wavey:
    It's nice to have you back! I've been sporidac on here lately. Kids are definitely keeping me busy, so are my 2 oldest girls. Tomorrow night I work till 7pm :sad: It's almost bewitching hour....
    :hugs: Oh wow! I hope all is ok! You couldn't pay me to drive in Chicago! Sorry to hear that :sad: Have you been ok otherwise?
    oh my gosh! i certainly hope you are alright!! the weather is not good so be careful when it comes to driving!! well its been raining the entire day today and we are getting some more rain tomorrow..then thurs and fri we are expecting more snow. today wasnt great for me either..had a HUGE headache the entire day from morning to now and im not feeling that well either..
    oh really? where are u going?

    yup yup i'm ready too for warmer weather...as long as it wont get TOO hot! lol
    hey~ :hug: i've been good! how about urself? aside from having to deal with more snow...i hope you had a great weekend! we are looking at more rain and snow as well this week...*sigh*
    I haven't taken the girls roller skating in 4 weeks because it's been messed up. So, I told them I would take them tomorrow.:) Thanks for chatting & playing with me! I thorougly enjoyed it! :yesnod: (daisy_mae is a nickname my mom gave me as a kid cause I wouldn't wear shoes :)) Sweet dreams, rhon and have an awesome Sunday! Good night! :ciao:
    A friend tried, but got sick. So, I had to have it towed and finished at a garage. Ended up being the egr valve and needed new spark plugs and wires.
    Good evening, rhon.:wavey: No I didn't. I didn't know anything about it till I logged into facebook. I bet you did! How was your day?
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