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  • I don't how much Chicago got hit with, but this sucks! I think if finally quit snowing here, but every once in a while I hear something hit the window... How have you been?
    Hi cuz! I don't hang around here much anymore. I check my messages and leave. I HATE this layout and am not about to learn the new way.
    :smow: We're suppose to get a lot of :smow: today......:noidea: really our first storm of the season :teeth:

    I don't mind, I have the day off and look forward to shoveling...as long as it falls during the day :faint:

    Don't work too hard :banghead:
    Jaime's hanging in there. Had a stint put in by her kidney last sunday. Is home from the hospital and is doing ok. Baby is fine thank God. Hope all is well w/ you and your family.I'm back to work though not at 100% I can't afford to go short term disability my migraines are terrible but as long as i can see to drive i'm going. I hated having to stay home for a week and even then was entirely in bed. Missed a lot of freebies but when u'r sick that' what happens . Again Hope all is well w/ you and your family and thanks for asking! ;-)
    my fav team...the giants didnt make it! :cry: so instead i was playing video games with my bf LOL. how was ur weekend?
    Hi rhon :) No I'm not doing the Super Bowl. Haven't seen one since the Super Bowl Shuffle was done in 84, I think. No my van isn't fixed. My brother was suppose to bring over his computer to hook up to it, but he hasn't yet. I'm hoping it's an easy fix like a sensor or TCM for the transmission. I bet you're just geared up for the Super Bowl...
    Don't be so surprised...lol. Depending on what needs to be done. Congratulations on staying up past ten! :teeth:
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