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  • Sounds like you had a busy night. I started a load of laundry & probably should wash dishes, but I think the dishes can wait till tomorrow:yesnod: What's on your agenda for tomorrow I know you said you were going out... lucky! :wink:
    Hello :) Had the day off. Rained during the morning & partly in the afternoon, but then had a beautiful afternoon walk with my sister & niece & got to watch my oldest's Scholastic Bowl team win their match! :woot: How has your night been?
    Good morning :hugs: I should be sleeping, but can't :sad: I hope you have an awesome day at work :yesnod: I would thoroughly enjoy gaming with you this evening, if we can. :teeth::wave:
    Good evening, Miss Rhon :hugs: Thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful! Hope you got to enjoy some of this beautiful weather today! :yesnod: It got up around 62 here :) I was even able to get a little over 5 miles in on my bike after work! :teeth: I hope your day was spectacular! :wavey:
    i'm meeting up with my bf tomorrow so just wanna drop by and wish u a wonderful weekend!
    I do enjoy your emails :teeth: thanks for sending them.
    When I get some that are good, I will send them on to you :pcguru:

    Some of them I copy and post in the PICTURE thread :rofl:
    I don't spend that much when I'm there, I try to keep my limit low. :noidea:

    I can't throw it away :trytofly: that easy :lever:
    Had Mexican :hungry: it was really good.

    We spent the other night at the Caesars Windsor Casino , (Canada) :noidea: Have you seen my money:questionmark:

    :sad: I want it back :cry:
    I'm good! just a little tired lately and I need to help my parents clean up the house tomorrow and the day afterwards because we are having people over but i wont be here for the weekend to do it. I'm gonna spend 3 days with my BF this weekend! soooo ecstatic!

    How was ur day?
    :smiley: I ate :teeth:

    I hate when he's with one of his friends :sad: he is always late. :noidea:
    Never made it to skating. My oldest wanted me to take down her loft bed and put her daybed back up, so we spent the afternoon doing that and rearranging her room... Oh joy! :lol: Rained here off and on all day & into the night. :sad: Have an awesome day at work tomorrow! :hugs:
    Thanks rhon :teeth:

    I don't think we're suppose to get rain for awhile. The next 2 days should hit 50 :woot: Things are starting to grow where the snow isn't covering them. :smiley:

    Did you have a nice weekend? I'm waiting for my BF to get home :rant: suppose to go out for Mexican food :hungry:

    Have I told you lately, that I'm still waiting :motz:
    waiting :sad:waiting:cry:waiting:thefinger:
    :motz: I hate dressing up :faint: My wardrobe consists mostly of jeans. I can't walk in heels :cry:
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