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  • Sounds like you have had a nice weekend :) Glad to hear that your mom is getting better. Hopefully it will be a speedy recovery:yesnod: How has work been?
    Hello rhonnie :wavey: Graduation went well and Momma Bear held it together :) How have you been? How's your mom doing? :noidea: Hope all is well. :yesnod: This weekend was crazy busy but fun for the most part...:faint: :teeth: Played frisbee in the rain with my girls this morning. That was cool! :) Have you been able to get out and cut a rug? :wink: :boogy:
    :sad: No, I lost :cry:

    :druel: I wish I had the luck of Madoona :cheer2:

    Did you enjoy seeing your cousin? I remember when you told me she was coming in town :shhh:
    :wave: Hi there rhon :teeth:

    Went to the Casino last night :sad::thinking:

    BF decided to go Upnorth today, so I just poured myself a :cocktail:

    :hungry: Pink lemonade and cherry vodka :cheers:

    Whatcha doing this weekend? :blushing:
    :faint: Good to hear that she is home :woot:

    How's she feeling:questionmark:
    Hi :) I didn't know your mom was in the hospital :nonod: I'm glad she's home :yesnod: I :prey: everything else is ok! I found something but not sure about it yet... Have a great weekend!!! :)
    Hi :wave: My week has been INSANE! :yesnod: Ready for it to be over:yesnod: Don't have too much fun washing clothes and cleaning :wink: Hope you are having a non stressful week :)
    Miss you, too, hon. :yesnod: This place just isn't the same anymore... :sad: Glad you had a nice time at the retreat and sorry your mom has been ill. I will most definitely say a :prey: for her. I :prey: that everything else has been good in your world. :) I still don't have an outfit... :rant: :cry: Have I told you I hate shopping!!! :yesnod: Any fun plans for the weekend? Maybe I can live vicariously through you... :wink: :teeth:
    Thanks for complimenting my bird (well, it's actually not my bird :shhh:). Your profile pic is soooo sweet with Pooh and the gang.
    :Hi Daisy!!! Miss you!!!:cry::loving: I had a good time at the retreat. The drive to waukegan was long from where I live. I use almost a whole tank of gas.:rant: Anyway, I was glad I went. I wanted to stay the weekend, my mom got sick so I needed to stay close to home.:sad:She is doing better. Her blood pressure goes up when she is in pain.:argh::yesnod: Just say a :prey: for her. I appreciate it:). I hope your not stressing over your shopping dilema. Yes the baby bird is stretching her wings.:angel:
    Rhonnie!!!! :wavey: How was the retreat? :noidea: Went shopping yesterday at the mall... I hate shopping there, lol :yesnod: Still don't have an outfit for me to wear to her graduation...:nonod: Mama bird has to let the baby bird find & spread her wings... :unsure:
    I'm SO NOT ready for her to graduate... :cry: Nor do I like clothes or shoe shopping :nonod: I'm sure you will have an awesome time! :yesnod:
    That's cool! I've never been to one of those. Please share with me your experience when you get back :) Work has been ok. It's really hitting me that my "baby" graduates next Saturday :unsure: just doesn't seem possible... :nonod: Plans for the weekend, hmmmm.... Shoe shopping for my daughter for graduation and who knows what else:noidea: I hope this finds you having a great day at work! :teeth: :hugs:
    Good evening:wavey: That's too bad about not getting to see your grandma, but good that you got to talk to your mom:yesnod: Any fun or exciting plans for this week or weekend? How's work?
    Hola :wave: I did some resting while playing on my laptop :) Ended up getting some miles on my bike and went shopping with the girls and went to my moms :teeth: Hope you had a relaxing weekend and a nice time with your mom & family :yesnod:
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