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  • actually I never had the chance to see it! been a little busy lately but i'm gonna see Piranha 3-D next week...i'm glad you liked SALT. It's raining here today and the next few days are going to be raining too..
    :hugs: Hi Rhonnie! :wavey: We survived the first week of school :woot: All the girls seem to be liking school, so that's cool. Going to be insane here cause I have one in golf and one in volleyball and their schedules collide:yikes: I took advantage a little bit during tax week.

    How's things on your end?:noidea: Hopefully, you haven't had a lot of stress this week. Did you catch up on sleep? Any fun plans for the weekend? :)
    :itsme: :flowers: Glad you had nice weekend. I bet the the conference was fun and informational :) Hope you're able to catch up on your sleep. Any kids on the bus yet?:noidea: Girls start school tomorrow:yikes: I'm getting last things together.:woot: :teeth: Any fun plans for the week?:boogy:
    Hi Rhonnie!!! :hugs: I :prey: you have a nonstressful work week and fun nights! :yesnod: My week was ok. Girls start school Tuesday:woot: So ready :yesnod: How have you and your week and weekend been?:noidea: Take care! :rapture:
    I'm happy to hear that you liked Salt. I think almost any movie starring Angeline Jolie is going to be really good. How is your weekend going? :)
    Hi Rhon! Salt is definitely on my list of movies that I HAVE to see. If I don't make it to the movie theater, I'll see it on DVD. It sounds like an interesting movie, and I love action movies (like The Bourne series)...they keep you on the edge of your seat. Enjoy your week!!! :wavey:
    :nonod: I'm not giving up yet on the :car:

    I still have 17 days I can go :noidea:
    :flowers: How are you surviving with the new addition of students thus far?:noidea: Hope all is well :yesnod: :hugs:
    :woot: You are so right, used is not new.

    I've already had another serious buyer offer 500 more then she did. :marchmellow: but still too low :noidea:
    I'm glad you got your car fixed :rant: it's always more than you would have wanted to spend :scared:

    My car is still for sale :nonod: for some reason the person interested in it, thought that it should be in off the truck brand new shape :confused:

    She had it checked out and they told her all the maintenance that the car would need in the next year or so and she thought she should deduct that from my asking price. :eek: Such as new tires - the tires still have another year on them, etc,

    I don't think she understood that it was a USED CAR :thefinger:
    Awesome that you finally got to see SALT:yesnod::high5: I finally found another van:woot: 6 weeks without a vehicle has sucked:yesnod: Going to take the girls roller skating today :) Hope you have a relaxing day seeings tomorrow has you starting to have kids again on your route:yikes: :hugs:
    :itsme:Sounds like fun...:nonod: I hope all is well with your parents :) It's going to be insane this week?:yesnod: I hope you find time to relax.:five:
    :wave: Did you get the work done on your :car:?

    I hate when I have to do that :yesnod:

    I'm working today and fortunately it will be a busy day :money:

    :prey: I have a car for sale and hope that it will sell today :woot:

    Before I start work today, I'm meeting a lady who is having a mechanic look over my old car :unsure: I hope it passes the test :scared:

    Have a great weekend! :dance:

    I don't have any plans yet but I hope it will be a good one :party:
    Hi:humble: How did the repairs go on your car? Good luck with getting to see SALT:yesnod: Made it thru registration, now have to make it thru shopping and physicals:yikes: Ready for school to get back into session? :wink: Hope you have some fun stuff planned this weekend :teeth::boogy:
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