So What's The Deal????? **another game**

clubchick said:
hey now, ms preco... i just happened to get a nice cop ;)

**I did not mention any names :o but since you owned up to the incident(s), I must ask.......Do you do the bend over for every nice cop?And....what do you do/How do you get out of it...when it's not a nice cop? :sus: BTW..what's the 'nice cop' test/criteria anyway?**

*I better start running....hehehe**

I've water skied once or twice....never really got into water sports.

What is your favorite recreational activity?
It's between basketball and shopping

What's your plans for today?
Dinner and movie w/ the family

When's the last time you went out to eat w/ your parents

*LS you completely skipped over my question...what's up w/ that? :( *
LiveSquid said:
Sorry, butty. From teh look of it, I skipped a BUNCH.
S'ok I thought it was pay backs for "flattering, offending and confusing" you. ;)
By reading a few posts above (novel idea, huh?) I found out that its this one:

callmeCrazyButt said:
When's the last time you went out to eat w/ your parents
We ate together last night at a family reunion but haven't been out with them in a while.

Do you prefer hugging to kissing?:)
No...Gotta have both.

When was the last time you had some serious kissy face action? LOL
my husband's trying to now- getting on my nerves a little:) (he just got home from golf)

do you have a lot of family pictures up in your house?
I have a lot of stuff on my fridge - a few pics

What drinks do you have in your fridge right now?
Water, cranberry juice, Sunny D, Arizone green tea and milk

Do you drink a lot of milk?
Yuck! I don't like milk of any kind but I use fat free to get my cereal wet.

What's the worst thing you ever drank?
cod liver oil- when I was really young my bro and sis gave it to me telling me it was lemon juice (which I loved) It was so nasty!

Do you prefer to use a calculator or add numbers in your head?
I like to write it down on paper if it's too big for me to do in my head

Have you heard Cyndi Laupers version of Unchained Melody? If so do you like it?
No, so I don't know if I like it or not

Do you buy bottled water?

So what your saying is, you write it down on paper to add single digits to single digits? :eek: