So What's The Deal????? **another game**

one.. and that's the only time i've ever sped :o

what's the longest vacation you've ever gone on?
My brain went on vacation a couple of years ago (12 to be exact) and still has not returned...:confused:

probably 3 weeks when I went to Europe several lifetimes ago....:rolleyes:

Have you ever gotten out of a speeding/traffic ticket? (**other than the bend-over that we won't mention who did :theyareon ** )
I did get out of one just by being really nice (no bend over's here;)), but I did get a ticket one time too

Do you wear hats often?
hey now, ms preco... i just happened to get a nice cop ;)

i look like a dork in a hat cuz my head is so huge, so no!

do you use a lot of styling products on your hair?
no (sometimes something when I straighten it, nothing otherwise)

Did you have big hair in the 80's?
sort of... in a way... i had a puffy perm :o

are you glad to see leggings come back "in"
I can't say for sure if I'll wear them. I'd have to see them worn by some others around town first. Haven't seen them here in NC yet- only in the magazines so I'd feel a little funny. They're all right though.

have you worn things you thought you'd never wear?
Yes, I never thought I would like flare or boot cut jeans but now I love them. Gauchos are right out though. LOL

How many fluorescent things did you own in the 80's?
None, I was too young to own much in the 80's

Do you remember Jams(the shorts, not music)?
nope, never much on pop music

Do you listen to music more in your car or at home?
Car, and all my cd are scratch up!:(

Do you buy cds or download music?
pjs- blue pajama pants with stars on them and a white t-shirt. Very sexy!;)

What are you going to wear tommorow?
going to church so a dress and then, the pool so a bathing suit

Have you been swimming in the past month?

Will you be going to bed soon? (I think I'm getting tired.)
Probably in another hour. It's only 9:30 here.

What time do you usually go to bed?