So What's The Deal????? **another game**

yes and no. subbing for now, full time teaching next year!

what's your favorite hobby?
if basketball counts, that would be it- I also like to scrapbook,but I've gotten WAAAAY behind so it's not as fun anymore

Are you good at drawing or painting(or anything artistic)?
yes, especially sitting in a class, listening to a teacher

do you get bored easily?
yes- my son inherited this (he does it some in karate and drives me crazy)

did you read any today?
i did a lot of reading today. At work :claps: Here and

Do you like gambling?
a little bit

Are you someone who spends spontaneously or are you a very conscious spender?
well, I'm broke right now so i guess I'm a very conscious spender, but if I was rich, who cares! lol

did you or ur spouse propose marriage in an outragous way?
The ex put my ring in my xmas stocking and handed me a card which pertained to marriage but I didn't get it LOL

As of right now what one song would you say is your 'happy' song?
Skidamarinky dinky dink

When I see Keara smile when I sing it to her, it makes me very happy!

What is ur sad song?
everybody hurts...
i swear, i could be in the BEST mood and that song makes me wanna off myself....

can you wiggle your ears?
lol yes. actually i can flat-hand the ground with straight legs!

can you still do a cartwheel?
yes, 7 years of gymnastics was good for something.

can you do a handstand?
against a wall or do a walk over

can you touch your toes to the back of your head?
lol had to go try...NOPE!! not enough yoga to help me do that.

Can you make your tongue touch your nose?
Nope but I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. (Just like everyone else. LOL)

How much have you paid for school supplies so far?