So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Nothing. My daughter is not old enough to go to school yet.

Are you ready for school to start?
Faerieglamour said:
Nope but I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue. (Just like everyone else. LOL)

**Sorry to say, that is just not one of my talents :o **

More than ready for school to start...take my kids...please...;)

At what age did you start going out to 'bars/clubs'??? (If you did ;) )
I would say around 18, at least that's when I started drinking in bars & clubs.

Do you prefer a dance club to a bar?
I prefer a bar

If you went to the bar what kind would you go to? Me..sports bar
If I went- sports bar, but I don't really do either (clubs or bar)

How often do you actually go to either of those?
Not at all lately, too many jobs :( When I'm at school though, 3-4x a week :eek:

Did you enjoy college?
For the most part. I had better, I have a very long ways to go yet.

What kind of student were you in H.S.?
Honor society,all that- pretty good student

Are/Were you better in college than in high school at academics?
No, i was a better student in high school.

Did you graduate 6th in your class of over 300 with a 97.61 GPA and get still get rejected from NHS? (argh. NHS.)
No, but I feel for you. That's really bad.

Did you take college prep classes in HS?
Yes and I actually have a certificate to be a dental hygienist asst, courtesy of another H.S.

Did you take a lot of blow off classes your last year?
dont' you hate posting without refreshing and find someone posted before yoU!?
jl514 said:
dont' you hate posting without refreshing and find someone posted before yoU!?
LOl Yeah I tried to get in there quick because I thought you might go for that and I wanted to boast about my certs! lol
Don't I sound arrogant? lol
Not at all, because i know what i had written there too. So if you're not arrogant im not :)

I was changing my title.

DO you know know what '><' represents?
No. Its an angry/frustrated face. Its how they draw cartoon's eyes when they get upset.

maybe i'll find you an example? (if thats not a half assed question i dont know what is..)
google image "angry cartman" third down first column

now do you get it?
Oh I get it, I think I've seen it before

Thanks for almost wanting to look it up and show me??? ;)
callmeCrazyButt said:
Yes and I actually have a certificate to be a dental hygienist asst, courtesy of another H.S.

Did you take a lot of blow off classes your last year?

No, not really. At least that I can remember. LOL

Were you involved in any after school activities?

Soccer, track, gymnastics, key club, Youth in Government, recreational drinking LOL

how many speeding tickets have you gotten?

(edit: ooooo! the poconos. Theres the international gymnastics camp there every summer)