So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I only buy bottled water sometimes and no, I don't think every day is Christmas

What did you eat for breakfast today?
Nowhere but at least I am not in my jammies

Have you ever worn your pajamas out in public?
Yes, the dash to school when the school bus gets missed. LOL (But that was only once and no one saw me when I dropped my daughter off.)

When was the last time you had oatmeal cooked on a stove? (not instant)
Never that I recall.

When is the last time you REALLY played in the snow?
aw,it hurts,yeap.

have u ever insult an older person?
My older brother once but that would be the extent of it

Have you ever been called a hooligan?
I called someone a "half dead old coot" once.. LOL

My mawmaw called me a whippersnapper once. And my pawpaw used to call us heathens. But Ive never been caled a hooligan.

Were you a hooligan when you were younger?
Don't think so

were you an easy, mild mannered child or a high strung, difficult child?
I ACT stupid a lot of times!!!

Would you be ok if your kids acted like you did when you were growing up?
Definately yes, I even told my son about all the stupid things we did. I had a great time in my teen years and I want my son to do the same.

Have you ever been in trouble with the law, something other than a driving infraction?
Just waiting on work to call :(

Do you try to use coupons/discounts when you go out to eat?
I rarely have any, but if I do, definitely

Will you be eating out at all today?
Yes and thanks for asking

Do you have more than one vehicle?
I have 2.

Do you like your vehicle or would you like a different one?
would Love a new car :)

Have you ever been in a wreck?