So What's The Deal????? **another game**

one teal and the other blue

Do you speed up for yellow lights to get through them?
yeah, most of the time

do you always drive the speed limit?
Nope I pay attention

Do you slam on your breaks if you see a cop while speeding?
No. That just tells them that you were going faster than you should be.

Have you ever been involved in an auto accident?
Just one, and it was only a little fender bender

Have you ever been let off with a warning from the cops?
Yes I got pulled over for having a dirty license plate, she let me go

Have you ever been pulled over for no reason?
I don't think that's legal, they always have a reason but not always a good reason.

Have you ever decided to try and run from the cops?
no-haven't had a reason to anyway

Do you have any hand-me-down furniture?
That's all I have!!

Do you buy used furniture
no, my in-laws give us all their "old" furniture (I really want a new couch and loveseat though!)

Do you have riding or push mower?
Push mower...It's good exercise!

Do you have a garage that you dont keep your car in? (i do)
yes, thank goodness- we have a big storage

do you need lots of storage space?(are you someone who keeps things?)

have u ever auditioned for american idol?
LOL LOL No. Never in a million years. I have no urge to be part of the "reality television" craze right now.

What was the last thing you baked from scratch?
banana bread and corn bread

do you often bake from scratch?
I have been lately. Quick breads are easy and yummy.

Who enjoys your cooking the most?