iluvdeals said:
I just want to say that the government has absolutely no right to tell me what to do with my own body and my own life. Banning partial birth abortions is just the beginning, if Bushy is reelected all of our rights to any kind of abortion will slowly be taken from us. That's not right. I smell trouble...
You're absolutely right, the government has no right to tell you what to do with your body. In fact, if you notice, the "Bill of Rights" does not tell us what we can do, it's even better, it tells the government what they can't stop us from doing. This is much more effective legally and guarantees the rights then outlined. So yea, you're safe.
Now the girl gets pregnant. The government cannot tell her what to do with her body. So the tyke inside her is growing. At 10 days instruments can measure his brain waves. Soon thereafter he can feel pain. He has his own heartbeat. At three months he is capable of living outside his mother, albeit with a little help in a super-incubator basically, but he is capable, and that is the legal and moral point. Then the girl gets an abortion.
Sure, the government can't tell you what to do with your body, but it can tell you not to harm another persons body. And when she consentially agrees to engage in that behavior, knowing the odds are that she will become pregnant, even with birth-control and protection, she knows that she may very soon be growing a little person inside her. Abortion does harm that other body. It ends the life. Argue all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the life that was ended was viable (which is a very legal term), no more than claiming gorillas fly will make it so.
But, that's not the point of this thread, so whatever...
I personally did not hear or see the debate last night. I heard it was pretty good. I've read quite a few articles and opinions about it and overall everybody with an agenda has said that whoever they support won hands down. So tell me, who won, and why?