Post your politcal stuff here

Who are you going to vote for?

  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 23 41.8%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 31 56.4%
  • Ralph Nader

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Tribal Sovereignty <-> Bush Blooper

Ok, I dont care whos side you are on in this election, this has got to be the funniest response I have EVER herd from a president! I'd expect more from a Class president at a Jr. High.

LOL :banghead: LOL

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iluvdeals said:
I just want to say that the government has absolutely no right to tell me what to do with my own body and my own life. Banning partial birth abortions is just the beginning, if Bushy is reelected all of our rights to any kind of abortion will slowly be taken from us. That's not right. I smell trouble...

You're absolutely right, the government has no right to tell you what to do with your body. In fact, if you notice, the "Bill of Rights" does not tell us what we can do, it's even better, it tells the government what they can't stop us from doing. This is much more effective legally and guarantees the rights then outlined. So yea, you're safe.

Now the girl gets pregnant. The government cannot tell her what to do with her body. So the tyke inside her is growing. At 10 days instruments can measure his brain waves. Soon thereafter he can feel pain. He has his own heartbeat. At three months he is capable of living outside his mother, albeit with a little help in a super-incubator basically, but he is capable, and that is the legal and moral point. Then the girl gets an abortion.

Sure, the government can't tell you what to do with your body, but it can tell you not to harm another persons body. And when she consentially agrees to engage in that behavior, knowing the odds are that she will become pregnant, even with birth-control and protection, she knows that she may very soon be growing a little person inside her. Abortion does harm that other body. It ends the life. Argue all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the life that was ended was viable (which is a very legal term), no more than claiming gorillas fly will make it so.

But, that's not the point of this thread, so whatever...

I personally did not hear or see the debate last night. I heard it was pretty good. I've read quite a few articles and opinions about it and overall everybody with an agenda has said that whoever they support won hands down. So tell me, who won, and why?
Well said music, I thought Bush blew Kerry's doors off. Kerry was only able to fund his trillion $ plans with taxing buisnesses (those CEO's that list some things on their tax form as personal) and those otherwise making above $200,000. He says he's for the middle class, but he didn't say or imply we would get another tax cut (which would almost be impossible if the deficit is to be reduced). Also, how can he do a Pay-Go plan with deficit. How can he finish the war without spending anymore money.
Jimmy Higgins said:
Typical. Can't make their own case, so they link. Tells you how well informed Capt. Nemo is, that he can't even make he own case against Kerry.

Well, maybe it's easier and not as time consuming to send you where someone else said it better. Anything wrong with knowing WHO knows things?

BTW, I'd wonder about your ad hominem attack method:"typical" doesn't exactly conjure up warm fuzzies or a real sense of your being anything but a little hot-under-the-collar. Forced assumptions and Michael Moore-esque clips will not get you very far.

BTW, great documentary: FahrenHype 9/11 really great. Written by a Democrat that worked on the Gore Campaign, the main interviewee is an old Clinton dude, Zell Miller (another democrat) is also heavily interviewed. Highly recommend if you like knowing the truth. I understand if you're uncomfortable about learning the truth. After all knowing the truth can set you free and freedom can be tough. Some video stores are stocking it (Blockbuster and Hollywood) for rental.
CozKramer said:
I'm with Erik.. GRRRRRRR!!!! :evil:

You know Nader is being backed by Bush because of what he did last time around. If Bush wins, this country will be better off being blown up..

If he wins, we're likely to get a few extra bombings! Nice to see a forum that isn't so heavily republican. Not sure why so many techheads seem to vote straight republican.

Gonna hafta vote for Kerry...and I do mean HAVE TO. Not exactly a choice I feel good about, but Bush has got to go. Our voting system needs a complete overhaul.

I think we should each get two votes for our President. One positive, one negative. It's the best way I can think of to eliminate this easily corrupted 2-party system. The negative votes will remove positive votes from the candidates total. That way in a situation like this year, you don't HAVE to vote FOR Kerry. You can vote for someone else (not that I know much about the other candidates at this time...kinda pointless to learn anyway), and then vote AGAINST Bush. Then he can't win if 50% or more vote against him....oh, and abolish the electoral college. It's useless.
George W. Bush said that he will appoint Supreme Court justices who share his conservative philosophy and who will strictly interpret the Constitution according to its text.

Well, worded like that is actually sounds like a great idea. I, however, do not for a moment believe this is the case. If GWB truely believed this, the Patriot Act would have NEVER been passed. This laws violates the very core of our constitution.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.

William Gladstone
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.

William Gladstone

Well, if you look into history, you will find that, by following political viewpoints and opinions tied to the names "Conservative" and "Liberal", either both parties are liberal nowadays (just in there own way) or the Republicans are liberal and the Democrats are conservative. So that's not really saying much, the quote is too dated to have much relevance besides sounding pretty good.

Toward the end of this article it explains recent historic liberalism.
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music2myear said:
Well, maybe it's easier and not as time consuming to send you where someone else said it better. Anything wrong with knowing WHO knows things?
But how do you know that they understand what they are talking about? Its easy to argue from someone else's authority. However, you shouldn't do so when their authority is greatly in question.

BTW, I'd wonder about your ad hominem attack method:"typical" doesn't exactly conjure up warm fuzzies or a real sense of your being anything but a little hot-under-the-collar. Forced assumptions and Michael Moore-esque clips will not get you very far.
Moore? Why do some many people on the Right have to dredge up Moore to win an argument? I don't like Moore. I never have. He's the Rush Limbaugh of the Left. He is all talk and has done very little to actually make things better in America. So attacking Moore won't help your case.

BTW, great documentary: FahrenHype 9/11 really great. Written by a Democrat that worked on the Gore Campaign, the main interviewee is an old Clinton dude, Zell Miller (another democrat) is also heavily interviewed. Highly recommend if you like knowing the truth. I understand if you're uncomfortable about learning the truth. After all knowing the truth can set you free and freedom can be tough. Some video stores are stocking it (Blockbuster and Hollywood) for rental.
Zell Miller a Democrat? That's a laugh. He's as liberal as Cheney is. Besides, I wouldn't waste my time with either 9/11 film. I cut out the middleman and read the 9/11 Report. But that's just me. I don't tend to rely on biased websites to get my information.
Brado said:
Well said music, I thought Bush blew Kerry's doors off. Kerry was only able to fund his trillion $ plans with taxing buisnesses (those CEO's that list some things on their tax form as personal) and those otherwise making above $200,000. He says he's for the middle class, but he didn't say or imply we would get another tax cut (which would almost be impossible if the deficit is to be reduced). Also, how can he do a Pay-Go plan with deficit. How can he finish the war without spending anymore money.
Pay as you go worked in the 90s.

Besides, how is Bush going to cut the deficit? He has shown no interest in deficit reduction. He gave us the deficit to begin with. He started with a $200+ billion surplus! The economy didn't tank that badly.
Zell Miller a Democrat? That's a laugh. He's as liberal as Cheney is. Besides, I wouldn't waste my time with either 9/11 film. I cut out the middleman and read the 9/11 Report. But that's just me. I don't tend to rely on biased websites to get my information.

Good, America need lots more people like you. Too many people haven't the slightest idea why they're voting for whoever.

More power to you.
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music2myear said:
Good, America need lots more people like you. Too many people haven't the slightest idea why they're voting for whoever.
And they thought Hussein was "personally involved" with the 9/11 attack. And they think that the 9/11 Report shows that Hussein has a strong link to terrorism. And they think that Clinton is the reason why America is soft. And they vote for Bush.
Jimmy Higgins said:
And they think that the 9/11 Report shows that Hussein has a strong link to terrorism.

And what about the $25,000 check the 9/11 commission reports Saddam 'Insane' paid to every family of a suicide bomber? And what about the killing fields that were in the news last week, full of women and children, in Iraq?

As William Fay, president of the Foundation for Clean Air Progress, a business nonprofit, points out, most Americans mistakenly believe the air is as dirty or dirtier than it has ever been. Seven out of 10 believe air quality has not improved since 1970.

What has happened to air quality under the barbarous interpretation of NSR that Bush wants to return to? Well, from 1981 to 2000, ambient levels of sulfur dioxide fell 50%, nitrogen dioxide 27% and ozone 12%. Positively shameful.

With regard to ozone, in 1980 only 5% of us breathed air that met the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Now it's 70%.

Found this today in the IBD:

A bit tongue in cheek perusal comparing the klaims of Kerry with the actual factual way it is. Sense a disconnect like I do?
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