Post your politcal stuff here

Who are you going to vote for?

  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 23 41.8%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 31 56.4%
  • Ralph Nader

    Votes: 1 1.8%

  • Total voters
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music2myear said:
Yes, there were 3, How many more do you need?
Wow, 3 manual recounts! What election are you talking about?

And is the media so unbiased in this whole matter, especially CNN, the NYTimes and the others that ran their own, independent study that you mention?
I agree the media was unbiased.

And weren't the Florida courts the ones that wanted to toss out the Military vote? I'm probably wrong on that one, but the military vote was threatened a few times through that whole ordeal and in this particular case the military vote was overwhelmingly for (at that time) Gov. Bush.
Yeah, you're wrong about that.
Cedar said:
That would be Bush's way, have to send someone else over to clean up his mistake and a girl no less.

:hmm: Will he ever do anything himself?
I'm just wondering why Spoofee hasn't had any bargins posted for buying this election, like DeLay is in Texas. That could save the Republicans millions! LOL
Jimmy Higgins said:
I'm just wondering why Spoofee hasn't had any bargins posted for buying this election, like DeLay is in Texas. That could save the Republicans millions!
'Cuz most of the specials have been with Democrats :)

There was the lady who paid some guy that was registering voters.... in drugs.
There was the Florida County where there were more registered voters than there were adults in the census, almost twice as many. And when some higher-up called for a review of the vote gathering process and of the voter rolls to find out where all the people had been hiding during the census, liberal groups cried foul, hmmm. How can every vote count if the odds that the ballot counted right after yours was entered by someone who's been dead 20 years.
Then there was the former mayor (I believe it was Colorado) that received notification that his voter registration was successful. Only one problem, he was already registered, had been for quite some time. Lesson from this one, if you're gonna register for other people, make sure they aren't registered first. :) Then when he cries foul, it is liberal groups that cry fowl.

Want more? There's plenty more. My no means do the Dems have a monopoly on this, and this Blog spares no punches, but the far and above majority have a decidedly liberal slant. But don't take my word for it.
Red for miles, as far as the Blog can see.

music2myear said:
'Cuz most of the specials have been with Democrats :)
Want more? There's plenty more. My no means do the Dems have a monopoly on this, and this Blog spares no punches, but the far and above majority have a decidedly liberal slant. But don't take my word for it.

No, don't take his word for it, instead go to the site he listed and take a look around. That site is obviously run by someone who is *not* an independant journalist, nor even cares about being 'fair and balanced,' and has an obvious favorite in the election.

Let's take a look at the sponsors of this guy: "Help us take back the 4th district from Gore's man" - a political ad for Janice Bowling (R) for congress, obviously a republican looking to unseat a democrat.
An ad for "Stolen Honor" - a book about how Kerry allegidly lied to get his purple heart medals, 100% honesty in that book, I'm sure.
"Listen before you vote: He's Tall, He's Scary, Yeah, He's an Idiot" - Interestingly, this is an ad for an audio download of the debates so you can "hear the magic over and over again."... I'm not quite sure what that last one is trying to do, since the majority of people watching the debates, both in America and Abroad, gave Kerry a clear win for all three debates. That's of course, unless you ask a Bush supporter, who doesn't listen to polls and thinks Bush nailed Kerry's ass to the wall every time (riiiiight.)

And for the other categories on his website, here's a sampling:
Kerry 527 Connections
Kerry's Lies
Second Amendment
The Reagan Legacy
Was Bush AWOL? (This is a pro-Bush category, I checked)

Also, take a look at the blog's links, here's a selection:
Real Clear Politics
Blogs For Bush
George Bush Blog
Right Wing News
Winds of Change
Tennessee Republican Party Rocky Top Brigade (a whole category of blogs)
Backcountry Conservative
Colorado Conservative
Blogs for Bush (another whole category)

Now, there were more blog links than these, and some may have actually been truly independant and balanced instead of *this* ultra-conservative muck, but I couldn't tell that by any of their titles and there definitely wasn't any pro-Kerry or pro-Democrat blogs anywhere near this site (I don't think they would want to touch this site with a 16 1/2 foot pole.)

About your voting fraud point: Whoop de doo? Is all voting fraud democrats? No. Is some of it? Of course, that's America, everyone has a fair chance at cheating. Nader also has a HUGE number of fraud cases that are currently working their way through the courts. The Republicans have had their fair share, intimidating blacks in Florida into not voting, etc. The Republicans also underhandedly helped Nader get more voters by using their own republican campaign employees, since everyone knows that a Nader vote *usually* would have gone democrat.

But next time you want to prove a point, don't use an obviously conservative site and try and pass it off as an independant, fact based website. It's a blog... that means this guy (a republican) pisses and moans on his site, read, i'm willing to bet, by 85%+ republicans (check the poll at the top of the page, folks), who then post back *their* biased comments and *surprise* 100% agreement: 'Kerry is a ****wad and the Democrats want to steal your guns and abort your children!'
To support the blog's stories, every so often he links a story here or there to an outsite news site that runs a semi-pro-Bush story (i.e. MemoGate), but mostly he's linking it to another part of his own slanted site, and then trying to pass off what he says as God's Honest Truth.
A Blog is a bitch/moan site, and no amount of supporting blog responses, internal links, or linking to other obviously right-wing blogs will make it have one ounce of truth. It would be just as if I linked to blogs named "BlogsforKerry" or "BushIsRetarded" or "TreeHuggersUnite!"

In summary, next time you want to prove a point, try linking to a news site, or if you want to show what your candidate's stances/ideals are, link to the candidate's site so he can tell it in his own words. Hell, you can even link to a REPUBLICAN news site (FoxNews), but if you're going to pass a site it off as *real news* or even *Slightly News* make sure it at least has SOME journalistic integrity first and isn't just some random guy bitching about Kerry and kissing Bush's ass while his viewers, almost all Republicans, agree with him.

This is why people are retarded. They use *news* sites that are obviously Bull****, or point to slanted documentaries (Farenheit 9/11, FarenHype 9/11) or point to random Blogs that support their views, instead of taking the time to find facts from real sites (AP, Reuters, 9/11 commission report, etc.) to support themselves. Wake the **** up, people.

The End
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music2myear said:
'Cuz most of the specials have been with Democrats :)
Well with all the gerry mandering Tom DeLay has done in Texas, I have no idea what you are talking about.

There was the lady who paid some guy that was registering voters.... in drugs.
There was the Florida County where there were more registered voters than there were adults in the census, almost twice as many.
Unsubstantiated and also even if true, does not indicate whether this is the fault of false registrations or a database the needs to be cleaned out.
And when some higher-up called for a review of the vote gathering process and of the voter rolls to find out where all the people had been hiding during the census, liberal groups cried foul, hmmm. How can every vote count if the odds that the ballot counted right after yours was entered by someone who's been dead 20 years.
Hmmm, unsubstantiated.
Then there was the former mayor (I believe it was Colorado) that received notification that his voter registration was successful. Only one problem, he was already registered, had been for quite some time.
Lesson from this one, if you're gonna register for other people, make sure they aren't registered first. :) Then when he cries foul, it is liberal groups that cry fowl.
*cluck cluck* Unsubstantiated.
Ah, we can only believe what the media tell us, because the media is so fair and balanced. In fact, it's only liberal people (and you'll notice that reporters never use the label liberal on anybody but are more than willing to use the label conservative on anybody not aligning with their beliefs) that are capable of fair and balanced insight into an issue.
Boy that's the truth music2myear. I remember when Diane Sawyer was interviewing President and Laura Bush. One of those dumb questions that came out of her mouth was asking them what they thought of the reality shows on TV. They kindly answered that they don't have the time to watch them. What they should have said is that these shows are anything but reality. Let's throw some people like Trump or the Big Losers in Iraq with the Army fighting terrorism. I think they will lose some weight pretty quicly there.
music2myear said:
Ah, we can only believe what the media tell us, because the media is so fair and balanced. In fact, it's only liberal people (and you'll notice that reporters never use the label liberal on anybody but are more than willing to use the label conservative on anybody not aligning with their beliefs) that are capable of fair and balanced insight into an issue.

I don't think anyone is saying to only believe what the media tells us, just to try and get your statements/views supported by something that isn't out in right field, or left field for that matter. Just because Rush Limbaugh (sp?) says on his radio talk show that Kerry slept with an underage goat, does not make it true. In the same respect, just because Michael Moore does a documentary on 9/11, doesn't make all of the information contained in the film 100% true. But basing an argument on a republican/conservative/whatever you'd like to call it Blog, run by a person who obviously overlooks *news* that doesn't support Bush or bash Kerry, does not help your argument. Your 'facts' about the voter fraud had nothing to back them up, I could say "99% of republicans voting in Florida were threatened by Donald Rumsfield in a monkey suit," but if I state that, I'd better have a real website (i.e. news) to support that statement. Bash Kerry all you want, bash the Democrats all you want, bash Michael Moore all you want, just make statements that you can either 1. support with facts from a valid source, or 2. don't try and pass them off as facts and then point to a BS website to support your claims.

And as for the 'liberal' media, is the media more liberal than conservative? Yep. Why's that? Maybe because conservatives would rather have their own conservative-leaning radio/talk shows rather than work on boring news all the time with the *occasional* juicy political story. How about the republicans on the board? Why do you think the media is more liberal than not?
Hobbs (of the blog) accepts evidence over email, that is correct, and email is notoriously unfactual (I know that's not a word, but you know what I mean), kinda like this forum. But you will find many of his articles are from regular (usually local) newspapers and other media outlets.

It is the same spirit that caused the higher-ups at ABC to write that memo "encouraging" it's reporters to be especially vigilant in checking Bush's facts and to be extra lenient with Kerry's facts that will downplay news about voter fraud when liberal interest groups are implicated. That's one reason why you won't see news about such acts coming down the Reuters wire or similar national-level news services. Smaller papers are less likely to be beholden, because their bottom line really is in how well they can get that story right.

So while I take many of the 'incidents' with a grain of salt many of them are verifiable and true.
Anybody got an opinion (well duh) on the latest media accuracy debacle? NY Times published a front-page story about an arms dump that was cleared out by the terrorists under our watch. Kerry jumps all over it, CBS claims they were planning on airing the story the sunday before the election on 60 Minutes. "Bush failed, this is the biggest failure ever, yada yada yada".

Then NBC says "Um, hey guys, actually it was empty when we got there". Well, not exactly those words. But they had an imbedded reporter in the 101st Airborne, which was the first group to reach this site on April 10th 2003 (the day after bombs fell on Baghdad), and there were no weapons there then. So what's the story?

The NYTimes this morning in another front-page article spouts off Kerry's spew over the whole matter, not even airing a correcting to their discredited article the day before, not even barried where papers usually put corrections, nothing. CBS runs away from the whole thing, but you'd think they would have checked facts before working on the story, especially after a month ago.

So I have an opinion, of course.
Who even listens to and reads these "news" sources any more? Apparently quite a few. Why are they so dead-set on defeating Bush that they'll stoop to running stories so completely and quickly debunked? Have they so forgotten the traditions of investigative reporting that they'll rush through without verification any hack job an embittered ex-guardsman will throw at them, or any sensational enquirer-esque piece that happens to fall along their painfully obvious political lines.

Frankly, if I were Kerry, I'd be ashamed of the conduct of people like this supporting me. But he's not. Instead he takes it and runs with it, and when he hears it's a lie, he lets it die, no apology, nothing. THAT is a lack of character, THAT is one indication of the reasons I do not support Kerry.

So, what do you think?
I think the liberals are desparate and will walk over anyone to win. If they do, we get to hear how Kerry has plan for 4 years. God help us.

"Catholics Against Kerry"
Quote from today's Investors Business Daily, a reputable publication second only to the Wall Street Journal in editorial quality:

"In the debates, Kerry repeatedly asserted things that ar false, such as "50% of the black males (in New York) are unemployed." That's true, but only if you include babies, children, teens and seniors.

During the second debate, Kerry said he met with members of the Security Council before voting to use of force in Iraq. He said, "I talked to all of them." The Washington Times checked; Kerry met only with envoys from Singapore, Cameroon and, yes, France."

Dishonest. You know exactly what the media would've done if Bush had made statements of similar importance and with similar dishonesty.

While we can sit here and scoff at Pres. Bush mispronouncing words, looking too tired or alert, or anything else that suits our fancy, it doesn't change the fact that he has shown true leadership during his tenure in office. Kerry has had many years of carefully crafted public spotlight to show similar leadership, but he hasn't. He has shown himself to be a vassilating opportunist, unprincipled. He has no greater goal than his own self-promotion. He has "plans" for every concievable happening, but he can't articulate a single point of those plans. He jumps at the chance to make personal attacks against Bush, his close friends and advisors, and his supporters.

The position of President is to be a unifying force in the midst of an increasinginly hostile political landscape. Kerry's policies (and those of most of the Democrat party for record) pit group against group. "What can we get out of the Government?" "Group X wronged group y, so they should pay." "I've lived my life in a way that I knew would cause my body to fail (get diseases, break down, ache, etc) and now I want the Government to pay my medical bills."

If we all lived aware that we must pay for the consequences to actions we make, life would be much better. While Bush's policies haven't been 100% along these lines, his record bears out a much more unifying philosophy than that of Kerry.
The position of President is to be a unifying force in the midst of an increasinginly hostile political landscape. While Bush's policies haven't been 100% along these lines, his record bears out a much more unifying philosophy than that of Kerry.[/QUOTE]

Unifying philosophy? Unifying what?? The gun nuts and the religious right? More countries hate the U.S. today than before Bush was president, I'm not even going to cite that because everyone knows it's a simple fact. The elections are more divided and hostile today than they were 4 years ago, plain and simple fact. The one thing Bush has going for him is a firm idea in his head about what's right and what's wrong. Unfortunately, his black and white view does not change, so when he's wrong on something (Iraq had WMD's, for instance) he doesn't admit it and change his views, instead he finds other justifications for his actions (Well, they were going to almost start looking into making Nukes, and that would have been bad!) He has unified the far-right wing republicans behind him, yes, but has divided both America and the World in terms of supporting his Administration, respecting America's actions in the world, and respecting the Administration's hardcore stances (stem cell research, pro-life, religious connections, abstenance-only programs, 'bible-defined' marriage, etc.)

Does Kerry change his mind sometimes? Yes. But I'd rather have a President in office that can change his viewpoints to reflect new information and new situations, than have a President whose so focused on his religious, political, and social beliefs that he never stops to think 'Hey, maybe I should rethink this before something bad happens.'

I believe that if Bush is reelected, we will have at least one more war, if not two (Iran, N. Korea; take your pick), Iraq will become even more of a terrorist breeding ground, the deficit will continue to grow at an outstanding rate and will eventually pull the economy down despite any temporary (and they are temporary) gains it has seen from the tax cuts. I also think that civil liberties will take a hit in the form of stronger anti-abortion laws/judgements, there will be a closer bond between Church and State (that is a BAD thing, people), and more countries will be distanced from us because of our radical cowboy actions in the world. I think when history looks back on Bush Jr., it'll show him as the Great Divider, rather than a unifying president.
The rest of the world not liking us? Well maybe it's only that we now know who are friends are and who they aren't. Everybody said that the elections in Australia would show the world just how much people despise us in other nations... then they re-elected their (pro-bush) prime minister for another term. Hate? Despise? So we know that very high officials in the governments of France, Germany and Russia were making money from the Oil-for-food program, money that should have gone to the people of Iraq. And who were against us going to war? That's right class: France, Germany and Russia. The same clowns that Kerry would like to have sign off on any defense of our sovereign nation. Talk about National Security.

I agree that we will see more, specific, conflicts before Terrorism is going to be finished as far as a world-threatening force as it is today. North Korea is not going to relinquish it's plans for world domination (Team America, crass but incredibly funny, has some truly insightful ideas, if they are a bit tongue in cheek) without a fight. Iran looks like it will take some beating before it sees the way it should be. But look at Pakistan, where is the conflict and the nukes and the threat of war all over the southern-east? And look at the Sudan, a police force comprised of soldiers from all over Africa bringing peace to their own region. And look at Jordan, training police officers and soldiers for service in Iraq (though I'd question the wisdom of that without more evidence that they've truly turned coat). I see not one looming threat encompassing the entire Middle east. Instead I see many fractious nations stripped of their guise, writhing in the light of peace in the middle-east.

As far as the moral issues. 100 years ago (even 50 years ago) there were great inequities and social wrongs taking place, but where was teen pregnancy? (and the myth of unhealthy back-alley abortions happening at the same rate as current legal abortions, asuaging similar teenage drives, is just that, a myth). Where was inter-family abuse and STD's?

Tell me, because I long to know.
music2myear said:
The rest of the world not liking us? Well maybe it's only that we now know who are friends are and who they aren't. And who were against us going to war? That's right class: France, Germany and Russia. The same clowns that Kerry would like to have sign off on any defense of our sovereign nation. Talk about National Security.

As far as the moral issues. 100 years ago (even 50 years ago) there were great inequities and social wrongs taking place, but where was teen pregnancy? (and the myth of unhealthy back-alley abortions happening at the same rate as current legal abortions, asuaging similar teenage drives, is just that, a myth). Where was inter-family abuse and STD's?

Tell me, because I long to know.

The whole world does hates us and with good reason, go to another country and find out; well I guess I forgot Poland.

I understand your views on what is a myth are prepackage faith based answers but you might want to keep in mind what is a myth here.

All those things you listed are not myths the only difference now to then is before we didn't talk about problems. Teens were taken on "vacation" while they had babies and then were forced into giving them up for adoption. If women wanted an abortion they found a way and an unsafe way at that. Women didn't stand up against abuse in the home as much as they do now. Is this what they are teaching you guys now?

I guess with that kind of thought we can just wipe clean our history or in this case your brain is so clean from all the washing you can't recall fact from fiction and everything will be back to black and white TV lives. I think the only Myths talked about here is from you. What do you guys care anyways aren't they teaching the world is ending soon so go ahead and use everything up.

I mean come on only in Church can a coke head drunk become a Christian leader for morals. said:
"I mean come on only in Church can a coke head drunk become a Christian leader for morals."

LOL - I'm going to use that quote all over the place, thanx cedar.

I tried being nice, I really have but I can't take it anymore it had to come out LOL
Remember John Wayne Bobbit! The poor sap that got his dinky cut off, thrown into a field, and reattached. He became a porn star, then became some kind of minister. That was silly! LOL

But I guess he's a man of God now. I wonder how he's going to vote... :hmm:

One more thing. Bush looks like a monkey so I will not vote for him.
Edwards is good looking, so I am voting for Kerry. :claps:
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iluvdeals said:
Remember John Wayne Bobbit! The poor sap that got his dinky cut off, thrown into a field, and reattached. He became a porn star, then became some kind of minister. That was silly! LOL

But I guess he's a man of God now. I wonder how he's going to vote... :hmm:

Now see that proves my point all. It's all about the money. Forget everything I have done because I said I found god, that's right don't worry about the bodies buried in my backyard because I found god. :rolleyes:

Faith + 1 LOL
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Stuff not reported in the news!

This is from a fireman who serves in the Iowa National Guard and who is packing to go back to Iraq after a two week leave. It's amazing the differences he reports from that of the media which dwells on the conflict. I don't send much of this type of stuff out, but I thought this deserved our attention:

As I head off to Baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in Iraq, I wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the media. They have done a very poor job of covering everything that has happened. I am sorry that I have not been able to visit all of you during my two week leave back home. And just so you can rest at night knowing something is happening in Iraq that is noteworthy, I thought I would pass this on to you. This is the list of things that has happened in Iraq recently: (Please share it with your friends and compare it to the version that your paper is producing).

-Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water for the first time ever in Iraq.

-Over 400,000 kids have up to date immunizations.

-Over 1500 schools have been renovated and ridded of the weapons that were stored there so education can occur.

-The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be off loaded from ships faster.

-School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.

-The country had it's first 2 billion barrel export of oil in August.

-The country now receives 2 times the electrical power it did before the war.

-100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed compared to 35% before the war.

-Elections are taking place in every major city and city councils are in place.

-Sewer and water lines are installed in every major city.

-Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.

-Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are securing t! he country.

-Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the streets side by side with US soldiers.

-Over 400,000 people have telephones for the first time ever.

-Students are taught field sanitation and hand washing techniques to prevent the spread of germs.

-An interim constitution has been signed.

-Girls are allowed to attend school for the first time ever in Iraq.

-Text books that don't mention Saddam are in the schools for the first time in 30 years.

Don't believe for one second that these people do not want us there. I have met many many people from Iraq that want us there and in a bad way. They say they will never see the freedoms we talk about but they hope their children will. We are doing a good job in Iraq and I challenge anyone, anywhere to dispute me on these facts. So If you happen to run into John Kerry, be sure to give him my email address and send him to Denison, Iowa. This soldier will set him straight. If you are like me and very disgusted with how this period of rebuilding has been portrayed, email this to a friend and let them know there are good things happening.

Ray Reynolds, SFC

Iowa Army National Guard

234th Signal Battalion
Now who is pulling a Micheal Moore :hmm:

Sure that's real, I friends over there I'll believe them thank you very much. No one here is saying they believe the media, also try looking at foreign media over US media.
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