Red for miles, as far as the Blog can see.
music2myear said:
'Cuz most of the specials have been with Democrats
Want more? There's plenty more. My no means do the Dems have a monopoly on this, and this Blog spares no punches, but the far and above majority have a decidedly liberal slant. But don't take my word for it.
No, don't take his word for it, instead go to the site he listed and take a look around. That site is obviously run by someone who is *not* an independant journalist, nor even cares about being 'fair and balanced,' and has an obvious favorite in the election.
Let's take a look at the sponsors of this guy: "Help us take back the 4th district from Gore's man" - a political ad for Janice Bowling (R) for congress, obviously a republican looking to unseat a democrat.
An ad for "Stolen Honor" - a book about how Kerry allegidly lied to get his purple heart medals, 100% honesty in that book, I'm sure.
"Listen before you vote: He's Tall, He's Scary, Yeah, He's an Idiot" - Interestingly, this is an ad for an audio download of the debates so you can "hear the magic over and over again."... I'm not quite sure what that last one is trying to do, since the majority of people watching the debates, both in America and Abroad, gave Kerry a clear win for all three debates. That's of course, unless you ask a Bush supporter, who doesn't listen to polls and thinks Bush nailed Kerry's ass to the wall every time (riiiiight.)
And for the other categories on his website, here's a sampling:
Kerry 527 Connections
Kerry's Lies
Second Amendment
The Reagan Legacy
Was Bush AWOL? (This is a pro-Bush category, I checked)
Also, take a look at the blog's links, here's a selection:
Real Clear Politics
Blogs For Bush
George Bush Blog
Right Wing News
Winds of Change
Tennessee Republican Party Rocky Top Brigade (a whole category of blogs)
Backcountry Conservative
Colorado Conservative
Blogs for Bush (another whole category)
Now, there were more blog links than these, and some may have actually been truly independant and balanced instead of *this* ultra-conservative muck, but I couldn't tell that by any of their titles and there definitely wasn't any pro-Kerry or pro-Democrat blogs anywhere near this site (I don't think they would want to touch this site with a 16 1/2 foot pole.)
About your voting fraud point: Whoop de doo? Is all voting fraud democrats? No. Is some of it? Of course, that's America, everyone has a fair chance at cheating. Nader also has a HUGE number of fraud cases that are currently working their way through the courts. The Republicans have had their fair share, intimidating blacks in Florida into not voting, etc. The Republicans also underhandedly helped Nader get more voters by using their own republican campaign employees, since everyone knows that a Nader vote *usually* would have gone democrat.
But next time you want to prove a point, don't use an obviously conservative site and try and pass it off as an independant, fact based website. It's a blog... that means this guy (a republican) pisses and moans on his site, read, i'm willing to bet, by 85%+ republicans (check the poll at the top of the page, folks), who then post back *their* biased comments and *surprise* 100% agreement: 'Kerry is a ****wad and the Democrats want to steal your guns and abort your children!'
To support the blog's stories, every so often he links a story here or there to an outsite news site that runs a semi-pro-Bush story (i.e. MemoGate), but mostly he's linking it to another part of his own slanted site, and then trying to pass off what he says as God's Honest Truth.
A Blog is a bitch/moan site, and no amount of supporting blog responses, internal links, or linking to other obviously right-wing blogs will make it have one ounce of truth. It would be just as if I linked to blogs named "BlogsforKerry" or "BushIsRetarded" or "TreeHuggersUnite!"
In summary, next time you want to prove a point, try linking to a news site, or if you want to show what your candidate's stances/ideals are, link to the candidate's site so he can tell it in his own words. Hell, you can even link to a REPUBLICAN news site (FoxNews), but if you're going to pass a site it off as *real news* or even *Slightly News* make sure it at least has SOME journalistic integrity first and isn't just some random guy bitching about Kerry and kissing Bush's ass while his viewers, almost all Republicans, agree with him.
This is why people are retarded. They use *news* sites that are obviously Bull****, or point to slanted documentaries (Farenheit 9/11, FarenHype 9/11) or point to random Blogs that support their views, instead of taking the time to find facts from real sites (AP, Reuters, 9/11 commission report, etc.) to support themselves. Wake the **** up, people.
The End