How to Get a Discount on Sirius XM Radio Subscription

5 months / $25 month (including taxes) - They had to go to a 'supervisor' to get approval, but eventually credited my account so all I had to pay was $25. Just keep telling them that you will cancel your service.
Yikes...just called/talked to Cdn Rep about annual renewal of $191.88 and was offered a deal at $226.00....did he hear me when I said I wanted a better price? When he couldn't make any other better offer similar to those obtained by commenters, I said I would prefer to let the subscription lapse in early Aug.
Just called. First offered $99 for the year. Asked for better deal. Offered $43 for 6 months. Asked for better deal. Offered $25 for 5 months. Took it.
If you want a slightly smaller offering they will give you $89/yr for a family friendly selection which does not include Howard Stern, Fusion and a few other 'R' rated channels. Just worked for me.
Just got off the phone- was offered the All access plan at $99, told them it was too expensive, and was offered the $25 rate for 5 months. I asked them to call me 7-10 days before that package expires. I was paying $10.00 a month for the mostly music package!
Tried to use the Chat feature online to accomplish this - waste of time - wouldn't budge on the price! Called 888-601-6302 and after following the above directions - received the 5 months/$25 within 5 minutes!! Didn't have to fight - just had to keep saying no - stlll too expensive! Thank you for your post!!
Just got the promo of $25 plus tax ($30.42) for 5 months after my credit card was charged $112.98! I tried calling 2 days before my due date but the line was crazy busy. A very nice rep gave me the special deal. I just followed what everyone else said...complain, say you're gonna cancel and voila! Good luck.
It took a total of 10 minutes to get resigned up for my 6mo/$30 tax price. Started at $99, to $49, and then said I would only pay the $30 rate and got it. I made $65 in 10 minutes. Not bad,eh.
Holy cow- called 888-601-6302 and spent 5 minutes and got 6 months for $29.97 tax!
Took 14 minutes, but I did have to listen twice to the agreements with 2 vehicles. Worked just as stated. I just kept saying I was going to cancel, too expensive.
I pay $9.98 a month for Netflix.
In my case, and the amount of time I've used Sirius during my three month trial, anything over $5 a month would be a waste.
My trial runs out next week.
I just renewed for $99 plus fees for another year. $201 year was too much to pay as little as I use it. I just had to tell them I would not renew at the higher rate if I could not get the reduced rated. Took less than 10 minutes
Earlier I called the Customer Svc number on the email I had received. They were not willing to work at all. Kept repeating : we have no current specials so we cannot offer you a cheaper plan. I googled and saw this site. Totally different Cust Svc #.Took less than 5 mins got the biggest pkg for $50 for 6 mos. Am very happy, as opposed to the $219 renewal on the email.
Called today I have 4 radios with them they wanted to give the $30 for 6/months then 99. For the next 6 months I said no... then she said they on year I can do 99 plus tax and fees I said do it all for 100 and I'll sign up for another year she put me on hold said okay 112.99 for the whole year tax in....that works
I've been a customer for 2 years and they dropped my favorite show (Opie Radio) and I'm getting charged a ridiculous $18.21 a month. I called and explained it was too much and they offered $99 a year, then $54 for 6 months and then a special promo of $34.17 for 6 months which I took. This is for their streaming app service. Thanks for the heads up!
My invoice for 2 cars was $362 so I called and was offered $99/year for each radio. Said no, then offered $50 for 6 months. Said no, then asked for $25 for 5 months and got it.
Called the customer service # on the paper invoice I received, theybwere no help, said I am not eligible for any promotions. Called the number above and got a 6 month deal for $50. I previously had a 3 month deal for $47. This is legit!