Free Goods from Walmart

Thanks, Muff!

"Thank you!

Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.
In the event that there is a delay in shipping your sample, we may notify you via email."
Thanks Muff, I didn't see any of the items listed above, but I did register for free deodarant and some free fragrances...Is there a link that I am missing?

Some good items though!!
I received another sample of the Purex Natural Elements detergent & fabric softener! :claps:
Thanks Muff, I didn't see any of the items listed above, but I did register for free deodarant and some free fragrances...Is there a link that I am missing?

Some good items though!!

They must have run out of some of the offers, but keep an eye out for more! :wave: