Free Goods from Walmart

It's always great when they list things you like. I think everything i've requested has arrived.
:sus: wal mart rocks!!! although some people don't think so
Got the Purex, Celestial Seasonings, and Loreal samples today-----good Walmart day!
I received the Celestial Seasonings tea and the Cottonelle wipes today. :bigok:
Wal-mart is the best!:claps: Seems like every day I get something from them!:) The tylenol samples I received the other day will sure come in handy!!:claps:
wonder what's up with the site, i only see nutrasweet up there now for the past couple of days.....:34:
wonder what's up with the site, i only see nutrasweet up there now for the past couple of days.....:34:

Yeah, that's been like that for 3 days.
Probably put new stuff up this Week!:santaclaus: