Free Goods from Walmart

Got this:

Alert:Sorry, we're unable to accept additional orders today. Please try again tomorrow.

But, I also got this on the sample page: is temporarily unavailable while we make important upgrades to our site. We appreciate your patience and invite you to return soon.

So, I'm thinking the sample may be back when they're done. Thanks glitter
I keep getting the same "sorry, unable to take more orders, please try again tomorrow" message also...
We're sorry. The page you are looking for does not exist or has been moved. Please check the link and try again, or visit the home page section of our web site. Thank You.

Thank you for placing your order to receive 2 FREE Breathe Right Extra Strips. Your order has been processed and it should arrive within 1-2 weeks
Free L’oreal Color Vibrancy sampl

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