Free Goods from Walmart

No samples, but I entered the Seattle's Best sweeps on the sample page and actually won a bag of coffee--something I really can use. I selected "Hit the Snooze Button Twice," but not sure if that answer works for everyone--prob. not. Just really surprised to win something useful!
Going to the beg. of this thread, no free samples are showing on the Walmart page. Could you post the link here please?
Free Gevalia coffee sample

-choose a phrase, then an image, then a background and select the sample that you want.
No samples, but I entered the Seattle's Best sweeps on the sample page and actually won a bag of coffee--something I really can use. I selected "Hit the Snooze Button Twice," but not sure if that answer works for everyone--prob. not. Just really surprised to win something useful!

I was so happy to get a coupon for a free bag the other day--to $7, and it doesn't say Walmart on it. Wow--just entered once and won this. Don't think it's still there. Also found out that pulling up the free samples only works with certain browsers. That's why I wasn't seeing them before.