Free Goods from Walmart

Thanks for all the new posts, everyone! Maybe the moderators could split off a new Walmart post and merge that with the main thread after a certain amount of time or something....just a thought, this does seem really long and unwieldly in terms of finding when new items are posted at the site (well okay, I'll admit I'm lazy and want to find links fast!). LOL LOL LOL

I have Walmart sample page bookmarked. You could try that to check often, as I do. I do, however, find links on here that I didn't see before. I do appreciate them very much. Just go to the last page, here and work your way back!
received the purex ultra concentrate and fabric softener samples today
I must be foing something wrong ? I havent found the free samples only the page stating free samples.
But Thanks for all your hard work !
i sent away for the degree deodorant, looks great

thanks muff