Free Goods from Walmart

I copied the list off of the form your enter your address on. Do you understand now?

Which ONE of the following "Connections by Hallmark" card samples would you like to receive?

Christmas Tree
Santa Cheer
Santa Happiness
Santa Season's Greetings
Got Dunkin Donuts coffee,Hamburger Helper and Nicorete gum!:claps:
I compared the list to choose from with the page with cards shown, and nothing matched at all. You did SEE what the cards looked like? I'm confused!

I couldn't match some of the cards to their names either - like "Stocking," so I just picked random ones :teeth:
Awesome update - loooovvee Hallmark cards! No matter what design, I'm sure I'll find a use this Christmas season!
Joyce & Sweetwinter--great finds! Thanks for posting them
These were posted on the thread already!! This Walmart thread is long and crazy, isn't it?? Usually a good idea to go back a few entries on this one before you post. So good to see some new samples from Walmart, isn't it??:wave:

I guess I 'm lazyLOL LOL sweetwinter!
Thanks for all the new posts, everyone! Maybe the moderators could split off a new Walmart post and merge that with the main thread after a certain amount of time or something....just a thought, this does seem really long and unwieldly in terms of finding when new items are posted at the site (well okay, I'll admit I'm lazy and want to find links fast!). LOL LOL LOL