Free Goods from Walmart

Two more new samples: (I think these were listed before in another thread but here you go:)

Baby Phat- Golden goddess & Shania Starlight: fragrances

thank you! :proud:

edit: I just got message:
We're Sorry!

The free sample you have requested is sold out. Our samples go fast, so be sure to check out our Free Samples page frequently to take advantage of these great offers!.

They ran out of the Baby Phat samples unbelievably fast!!
I love trying new shampoos without having to buy a whole bottle.:bigok:
I've been trying all morning to get something to come up, I think it's because Wal-mart has been blocked and I have to use a proxy server to get thru it has a bunch ox x's on the page and I am not able to access. Darn it!
I think the L'Oreal® Vive Pro link is the same as before (not new). Thanks though!
I recieved the Dunkin Donuts coffee & the Nicorette sample. :bigok:
I think the L'Oreal® Vive Pro link is the same as before (not new). Thanks though!

The reason for posting it again is because the offer is still available. Others may not have seen it.

Movin' along.