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  • my 8 year old broke her toe yesterday, I know this isn't funny, but hinging on the fact that my children are dangerous, LOL, I believe you may be right!
    Awww...arent you sweet - :p
    I hope you are just thinking of me and not doing what I did......what I still do....lol
    My ankle WAS healing quickly, until my 12 year old sat on it last night, LOL, now I am back to square one again, UGH!!!!!
    I guess third time is a charm with the laundry huh? The very first time I ran the whole thing without one piece of laundry in it; the second time I turned it on, put clothes in and forgot to shut the lid and this time I forgot to put clothes in and shut the lid and I had a washer full of water! :doh: Between you and me I think I have done this more than three times....:o I remember a couple of time going in there and finding an open washer full of water.....:confused:
    Hey, and you have a nice weekend as well.... Hopefully some good freebies will be awaiting us on monday :)
    Hi dbee!!!! Got your message over yonder LOL on my board and yes of course I left you a reply there and gave you the latest the update on what is happening here. Thanks for thinking about me and inquiring!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!!! I am going to lurk around here for a while and see what fun I have missed out on LOL.
    Umm what do you mean... about the pictures in my posts? Sorry but can you be more specific?
    Thanks Deb, I'm doing a lot better. Still having troubles eating and keeping it down but least I'm not shaky and feeling horrible anymore. Kids are driving me nutty we wired them the money yesterday to get out of Houston b4 Ike and they've decided to stay. Daughter and her boyfriend are at least going a little ways north to his families home so they won't be on the ground floor if it floods that house has survived many a storm but our son is being a hard headed jerk like his dad was about Katrina refusing to leave says he's a lean mean finely tuned instrument of warfare (rolling eyes whatever that means). He's getting a call when dad gets off work to remind him how it was where we lived after Katrina and how badly he'd paid for thinking he didn't have to leave LOLwhen I called hubby he just said let me take care of it. Jason is just as hardheaded as he was so maybe he can get thru.
    Thank you for your 911 post. I like most others that live close to New York- a connection with a lot of the people that perished on this day. I will never forget 911!
    Hey Deb what kind of pet is it you are giving away, I can't tell, not that I can have another! Mean ole hubby says no to all pets! Lost my dwarf hamster geez has it been a year ago, not sure any longer seems like yesterday! He suffered so horribly and I had such a hard time getting him to take any of the water with a sleeping pill in it. DH (wasn't a dear anything at the time) was horrible and wouldn't agree to me taking him to the vet to take care of. Was at wits end he had a huge tumor on his side and suffered that last couple weeks. Finally got some water down him and either he picked shortly after to die or he got enough of the sleeping pill to just go to sleep! Was so mad at hubby he said no more! Chewie my hamster was quite rugged for such a lil guy tho. The dwarf supposedly has a life span of 1-2 yrs he was over 4 yrs old and had been thru two hurricanes (katrina and rita). lol he was so mad at my husband when he took his cage apart so he could put him up on the mantle above the water that it appeared he didn't have a clue there was a problem. Rita the roof caved in where he was, so that was probably a lot scarier!
    Drinks on me tonight! --Hey, I just saw you left this on my page. Ante up, dbee. I am more than ready. The Pat's won, the Sox won, and the Rays lost. It is a very good day here in New England. We will just glide over the fact that our QB is injured. I bet a drink would make ME feel MUCH better. What ja got?
    Where were those animals? I was gonna say moose but I think you said elk. Holy ELK! That would freak me out!
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