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  • Good Morning. No, I never found out who left me the 6 potted mums. Don't know when I will ever get to plant them since the rain hasn't stopped for days now. :umbrella: Sorry I missed happy hour yesterday. How 'bout today?:cocktail: You in???? Have a couple of Sox games to watch. No football today. Bye week. Guess you don't have rain over there since you have been a diggin' and a hoeing! I'll be waiting for your updated fall pics. Have a good one, dbee. Apple:hug:
    If anyone is looking for me, I am working in the yard and working on a good buzz :cocktail::confused::cocktail::confused::cocktail::confused::cocktail::confused::cocktail::)
    What do you want to know? I sing in my church choir as well as a community chorus.I have done a few weddings but a couple of years ago I had a very bad cold/virus and it attacked my vocal chords. I can still sing, but the range is greatly diminished which causes me great frustration.
    he is such a pee head sometimes, like right now to be exact! I just wanna scream at the top of my lungs, you friggin pee head, stop being such a JERK!
    Not much, just chillin, LOL
    Listening on and off to this ding dong presidential debate, it drives me batty to see men argue, they are so bad at it, LOL
    Excuse me for my stupidity but it says you "rep'd" me? What exactly does that mean? Not something bad I hope!
    It's ok, I run out of reps or can't rep certain people all the time. I just added more words for you. :)
    Hi, dbee. haven't planted any mums for the season but so funny you should ask. I just got home after being gone since like 3:30 and as I am walking up my front walkway I see 6 potted yellow mums, in a plastic carrying thingy. No note, no message on my answering machine. So I will have to investigate in the morning. So I guess I have some planting to do! Not much happening in the yard. Sort of at a stand still. Have one huge bush waiting to bloom but still have a couple of weeks til that happens. In fact, it is the picture that I use for my avatar-from last fall. With the butterfly.
    Hope you are well. I am tired so I think I will call it a night. And yeah-my Sox just clinched a spot in the playoffs. Go Sox!!! Catch ya later, GB! Good to hear from you, Apple :)
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