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  • We have a frost warning tonight, I have a garage full of baskets and planters. I want the warm weather to stay. I hope that your grass grows nice and dense.
    Yes, I LOVE being out in the yard and getting my hands dirty. Put down some grass seed today before the rain came after fertilizing the other day. Now I can literally watch and wait for the grass to grow!!!
    Oh, that is funny. I am now seeing that even the posts I made previous to changing my avatar has my new picture. Hmmm...
    Hi dbee. Yes, I did take that picture of my daisies with the buterfly sitting on them. But that was last summer. Have so many more flowers to go. Being it is only 45 degrees here right now with a cold rain, we will need a few warm days for things to sprout up! Can't wait. Good to hear from you.
    Hi, dbee. Let me start by saying not only am I new to Spoofee-I am also new to the computer world. With that said, I have just ventured onto (finally) reading the FAQ and just read about reputation points. I didn't know they existed until, um, yesterday! I am so afraid now of doing something to shame myself.:verysad: Don't really understand all that but I shall learn.LOL
    Now, I have a ? for you if you could help me, being my new friend and all...What exactly is a "house party". You all get so excited when one is posted but do you actually have to have one. DON'T LAUGH AT ME!!! I heard you giggle!!!
    Thanx for guiding me. Apple:rose:
    :wave: Well, I am finally going to call it a night! :yawn: See ya on here later, sweet dee! :hug: :kiss:
    :wave: Good morning my little dbee! :hug: :kiss: Remember same time, same place tonight! :hug: :kiss:
    Hi dbee. Appletini here. As I told you before, I already felt a connection with you since "dbee" is what my name would be if it wasn't already taken-BY YOU!!! But now your picture of the daffodils that you are using is just like one that I have and also use on my computer. You are scaring me now! Are you here in my closet watching me over my shoulder??? WHERE ARE YOU????:convinced:TeHee!!
    Hello my little Dbee!! :hug: :kiss: See ya online later & remember like I said in the pm I sent ya--you'll never be able to get rid of me, no matter how hard u try!! :rofl: :hug: :kiss:
    Good morning PL. Nuttin up! Getting ready to get out of here. Have a great day! :teeth:
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