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  • I'm sorry little dbee! :verysad: I don't mean to worry you, I just get sick sometimes! :verysad: :sick: But I'm back now! :hug: :kiss:
    Oooh..like you page! :bigok: Sorry I've been sick with this darn sinus infection! :sick: Hope to talk to ya real soon(and play games)!! :claps: :hug: :kiss:
    Hey, thanx for the push. You got me to upload a new pic from my garden. Thanx-and you didn't even know you did anything!!! Apple :)
    :rose:Hi dbee. Ilove your new flower picture. What are they? I need to get some of my pics loaded and show you some! Sort of in between with growing seasons now after the tulips, etc. waiting for the next surge to pop up. Take care, Apple
    :) I am having a good one thanks. :( I'm sorry you are butting heads with your little one. :bigok: I hope that you will end up the winner though. :sleep: Maybe it's a good night for early bedtime? :claps: Good luck to you-I hope that will survive without any bruises! :teeth:
    Thanks for the friend invite. I can use a friend today...it's been a rough one, butting heads with my 4 1/2 year old! ahhhhhhh. Hope you are having a good one.
    I'm fine thanks. :( I have a few friends that had similar operations and fortunately you will be fine.
    :mmph: My one good friend wasn't as fortunate as you though, she had never had a child prior to her operation. :eek:
    You have a lot of catching up to do on freebies, :confused: have fun with it. :claps:
    Well, I finally had my hysterectomy done. I was tired of the pain. And with my health, another baby just wasn't in God's plan for me. However, adoption is always welcome ;) How have you been?
    Hey you ;) Thanks for stopping by, I've just recently had surgery. But I thank you for your concern *hugs*
    Hi, Deb! :hug: Your page is really pretty! :claps: I think the "tweaker" is going to be all alone tonight because I am beat! LOL LOL I miss you and hope to talk to you soon. :)
    I thought of you when I did the colors, it sucks that they don't have a drop down that gives you the color choices. game on-lets play
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