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  • I didn't know this was the weekend for the party. Guess they didn't send you a free car, huh?

    I might actually be having a relaxing weekend for a change. It's been so long since I've had one of those. It always seems I have all kinds of errands that pile up all week and I end up doing them all on my free days. Maybe I'll even have time to play a few games on the board again. :)
    :verysad: I really wanted the cookies.....well I hope your party goes great though!
    :hug: Just stopped in to say hi! Hows things with you? Doing fine here LOL well other then sleeping all the time, so dang lazy! :o Take care talk to you soon!
    Just wanted to send a quickie message to say have a good weekend.

    Anything fun planned?
    Yes, I do love games :) I have a few from my other forums I will have to bring over here and share when I get an extra minute....
    I'm very excited!! Being 29 did nothing for me. Other than a few milestones: Amber turning 10 and me finishing school, opportunities: The Breast Cancer 3-day and being hostess extraordinaire and cememnting some solid friendships, this year was a real let down. Next year is going to be so much better...I can feel it!!
    hey!!!! jus chekin in!! hope all is well!! so u finally saw SATC?!!! well!! didnt u just LOVE IT!!! :claps:
    Hi, dbee. Spoofee is way too slow for me today and is really ticking me off!!! Just wanted to say hi. My Sox are starting right about now. Please wish them luck for me from Michigan! We need to win tonight to move on in the series. Go Sox! Go dbee! Go Apple! OK, I'm going.....
    Ohhh I would so love that. Don't tease me. Btw Pick me up on your way to get K-Ma...lol. I'm fun on road trips..lol.
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