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    Family Websites...... 09-22-2008 02:19 PM dbee like you didn't know it would work
    Is "Thank you" also... 09-22-2008 08:15 AM

    Nope, only 1 in my rep from you....:rolleyes:....cheapskate
    Is that a grounhog in the pen? I had a wild baby bunny last year - between my dog and the fox that was living across the road the rest were toast. I raised the last lone survivor up and set it free. I'd heard it was hard, and the odds of it living were low, but I did some research and got up a lot during the nights to take care of it. I had my husband helping while I worked and he was home. It's cool you like critters! I hope the rabbits stay out of the dog pen here.
    Hi Dee, Thank you for all the words! Even with all the rep I've been spreading it still won't let me give u some more...they are so cheap with that stuff LOL! The kids are doing good, things are getting better around there far as gas and groceries go. I'm down with my back again but finally got the laptop router working so am able to crawl into the recliner and get halfway comfy. For some reason when I hurt my back bad my feet and legs swell so bad too that I just can't sit at the desktop much, too hard to get my feet elevated enough. The wound on my leg is almost healed thank goodness. After he finally realized I was right and it was infected under that bump (took it bursting open to get his attn) and he got me on antibiotics it's finally after 3 or 4 months healing about the size of a penny now was as big as a silver dollar. Think that was why I didn't feel so good too. Now I just have to get my back healed up again, having to wear that dang brace again. Hopefully tho the scan next week won't show it broke again or something. Think it just pulled the muscles around it, the wind with Ike jerked the door and like a dummy I didn't let go of it so it gave me a hard jerk too...dang jerks LOL. All in all we're doing pretty good, thanks for asking (:rofl: bet you didn't expect a book when you did!). Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    "I wonder how pink lemonade and cherry vodka taste together."

    I'm sure you'll know soon enough! :cocktail: :rofl: :rofl:
    Oh that's really ok if he disconnects it, see I have had other computers bite the dust, but I kept all of the detachable cords, so I have a plethera of cords and know how to get this baby up and running again, and he has a laptop that I secretly fixed and I can get on that too, LOL, I have WAY too much free time, I can't imagine what is going to happen when my youngest goes to school next year! :rofl:
    Oh no, if I were a trouble maker I would SHOW him the pic and tell him I forgot my password and don't know how to delete it :rofl:
    THANKS! She is frikking cute! And when you balance the cute against the ugly in that one pick with her sleeping, you can just eat her up, LOL! Oh the up the shorts pic? I'm not to happy with him right now, that pic will stay until he has admitted I'm ALWAYS right, LOL!
    Thanks! I resized it and it has looked weird since, I dunno, you can only have like 100x100 pics in there, I'll have to put it in my pics!
    LOL PAD The walls? They would find the only nail in the whole house that holds up the padding and break their toe on it, ROFL!!
    she left a dent in the wall with her toe, poor thing, I feel so bad for her, I am contemplating letting them wear shoes in the house but then the carpets would be so gross! I dunno about my kids, I guess they are just as accident prone as me, LOL!
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