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  • I am going through baby withdrawal...I have to wait 4 long weeks to see that cutie! The wait will be worth it...I get to babysit!

    How are you and your life? We always talk about me.
    It is a groundhog! We got him on Saturday. The picture only looked clear if it was enlarged. My gardens look exhausted, how are yours doing?
    NO! NO! NO! Don't go anywhere! Wait for the ice cream truck to come to you! Funny cuz I was sitting here the other day and I could hear "It's A Small World After All" blasting down the street and sure enuf, there was an ice cream truck. Don't know if I have EVER had one drive by here in the 4 years I have lived in this house. If they hadn't been driving so fast, maybe I would have gotten a blue popsicle to bring me back to my childhood. Ah, memories...
    Oh, that's ok. Too late for muffins now. Would you like to come by for some nice chardonnay and a fruit and cheese platter?
    Good morning! I have a nice fresh pot of Amaretto flavored coffee on. Come on over. But you have to bring the muffins!
    ...I hear tell that when the lunar eclipse and the numbers 666 collide you'd best beware of The Giant Woodchuck....no telling what kinda heck that varmint can reek... heh heh heh
    You have birdies! I just left a message, but now I don't see it. Have a great weekend, too.
    Hi dbee - thanks for the message. You have a great weekend, too. I just got off work, and don't go back in until Monday. The weather is supposed to be nice here.
    It was the Secret deodorant. I saw in the thread that you couldn't get it either.
    Yeah, K-ma is good walking ya step by step. I retract my comment. LOL
    *packs her bag* I'll be right there. callmeGroundhogWhisperer. LOL
    Sorry for my quick disappearance last night. Kesler was fussing - he is cutting teeth. So I held him to get him to go back to sleep and fell asleep myself! lol You cant copy & paste pics in emails. I dont know why and I really dont know how either! :o How about I find out and then let you know?
    OK just a few things.... did you ever get through to get the sample of deodorant?? 2....I think I tried helping you w/ the posting of pics before. :28:

    :tongue: And 3......uh.....I have to read what you said again....I'll brb.
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